Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

Me and matt stayed in my room all day . I didnt feel like doing shit and he understood . He kept on trying to make me eat , but i felt disgusted . My parents came up to check on me and tried to cheer me up . But i for some reason felt like i needed leen . I needed my "best friend" . With out matthew noticing i text her

Maddie: why ?

Leen : what do you mean why ? You get everything you want . You always make me feel like shit . But hey be happy with that guys he truly does like you.

Maddie : i need you leen . You were or still are my bestfriend

Leen : my thoughts on your relationship wont change . Its either me or him.

Maddie : why did you call me a hoe and all that shit though ?

Leen : cause you are . Who tf goes out with a guy she met a day before . Thats bs . You forgot about me so fast and you had just met him . How do you think i felt

Maddie : thats no fucken excuse leen . Wake tf up . How would you feel if i made you decide between a guy you really like or your best friend

Leen : i would choose my best friend in a heart beat

Maddie : well he is my best friend too .

Leen : me or him . You are so fake

Matthew asked who i was talking too . I say " no one , just on twitter ". Am i really a bad best friend ? I start asking myself . I look at matthew laying down beside me , he pulls me in and kisses my cheek . I dont know if i deserve this guy anymore if im actually thinking of leaving him for leen . Should i choose him or my so called " best friend " ?

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