Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

We arrive at taylors house . He was another teen from vine . I was still lowkey butthurt that none of them told me they are vine famous , but they might have there reasons . I introduce myself to all of them and i excuse myself to go call leen .

(Matthews point of view)

"So what do you guys think of her ? " . I ask the boys and they all think she is very beautiful . Carter and hayes say she is very funny . They start teasing me . They ask if she knows im vine famous . I hate when people consider us that but whatever. I didnt know what to respond . I dont think maddie knew anything about it but either way i liked it . Someone who actually is trying to get to know me for who i and not because im "famous"

(Maddie point of view)

I sit beside the window to call leen and she responds " where tf are you ? Ive been waiting for you " . Oh she is pissed and this will create an argument fml. " oh hey , change of plans im actually just gonna hang out with them by myself ... Ill go to your house later ? " . It was silent and it was killing me . I didnt know how she would react and tbh i was scared . She then laughs in a teasing way and tells me " whatever maddie . Your mom knows about this right ? Im not covering shit for you to hangout with a boy you met yesterday ". I get pissed , she always makes it seem like if i am a hoe or something . I respond " yeah , ill see you later . Bye " . I hang up without letting her talk to me . Either way she would be mad so i might as well have fun right now. But was i making the right decision in staying here with boys i just met ?

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