Chapter 34

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Chapter 34


School was over . Thank god ! I didnt have to see leens or my ex face again . Its saturday and today i would leave on a roadtrip with the boys to san diego . Which is only an hour away but being with those boy in one car for an hour will make it seem like forever . I got my suitcase and went downstairs to wait for the boys to pick me up . My parents kept on telling me to be safe and not to talk to strangers etc. When the boys got here , my parents accompanied me to the bus door to say hi to the boys . How embarrassing they need to let go of me . In the bus they boys where doing stupid shit . They were blasting music and Cam started twerking . Nash fell off from the seat , jack and jack where saying weird stuff about goldfish, taylor was mad because there was no gatorade , jack and jack where bothering aaron and carter , and hayes was trying to sleep . What a mess . Matthew and i stayed on the back of the bus to just talk and relax . With in 2 hours we arrived at san diego . We got to the hotel and Me and matt shared a room . YASS ! I wanted to stay in the hotel because i was tired from the ride and all the noise but matthew and the boys wanted to go the beach. We would just go for a walk but of course fans where there and trying to surround us . Security hold them back and some girls screamed at me . I was trying to stay away from matt , but he reached for me and we walked holding hands . He looked so happy to be showing me off to his fans . Cameron screams " RELATIONSHIP GOALS ! AM I RIGHT GIRLS ? " . The fans screamed yes back . It was amazing

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