Chapter 48

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Chapter 48


I sold my house , and was now living at my own apartment . The boys wouldnt let me stay alone at my house , so each day one of them would stay over . Matthew and i werent really on good terms . I try my best to leave my hate on the past , but its hard . I can see he is trying so hard and i feel bad . Cameron and i have got more close . We usually go out to eat once a week , just me and him . I honestly dont have feelings for him , i love matthew but at the same time i hate that i love that guy .... Cameron and i where going out to eat . He picked me up and i wanted some in and out . We arrived at the fast food place , but decided to eat in the car since fans would not let us be comfortable inside . We talked about what had happened during our week and stuff . He always mentioned matthew and i enjoyed hearing from him but sometimes its just overwhelming . We finished our food and he wanted to go for a walk at the beach like old times . Only this time it would me only me and him . No boys . We got ice cream and started walking , once we finished the ice cream we found a place to sit and talk.

Cameron = i have to tell you something

Maddie = what is it ?

Cameron = matthew is leaving to his home town .

Maddie = WHY ?!

Cameron = he doesnt think you will go back to him so he thinks he needs to move on

Maddie = ( looks down ) do me a favor

Cameron = what is it ?

Maddie = take me to where he is at

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