Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

When we arrived , leen still didnt know where we were . I got in to taylors house and the boys where in the living room . Matthew saw me and got up fast to say hi to me . Once he realized leen was behind me , his smile slightly faded away . He didnt even hug me tight . I squizzed him and kissed his cheek . Leen was bothered too, she rolled her eyes at me once i let go of matt . I had already set my mind up that they would all get along , but so far i dont know if it would work out . I introduced leen to the boys. They seemed okay with it , carter and matthew were whispering to eachother though . The boys wanted to go in the pool , luckly me and leen had our bathing suits in the car . We left them there last time we went to the beach . Me and leen went to the bathroom to get changed .

Leen = why are we even here ? I thought we would spend time together alone .

Maddie = stop , you will have fun . Trust me .

Leen= seems like whenever you say trust me , you always let me down .

Maddie = thats not true . Just stop complaining dammit . Ill wait for you at the pool and i hope you change your attitude.

The boys where already in the pool , i join them . We played volleyball , all of them are very competitive . It was funny . After playing matt pulled me away from them , we still stayed in the pool though . He looked at me in the eyes and said " you are so beautiful " . I smiled at him , his hands went on my waist and my hands rested on his neck . We where so close to kissing but i suddenly remembered of leen . I let go of matt and screamed her name worried . I ran out of the pool and the boys followed . She had left the house , i check my phone and she texted me " i guess you choose him ".

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