32) The Confrontation

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Darian and I sat in my apartment, passing the joint back and forth

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Darian and I sat in my apartment, passing the joint back and forth. He sighed. "I need this."

"Still pissed at Kenji?"

He sent me a look. "He's been crushing on a girl this whole time."

"Not the whole time."

He took the joint from me. "I don't give a damn. He likes someone else."

"But he loves you," I said before grabbing the joint from him. "Give the guy a break."

He frowned. "Whose side are you on?"

"I'm not on anyone's side," I said. "I'm being objective."

"He kept it from me," Darian said. "If it was nothing, why wouldn't he tell me?"

"Because you may have reacted like this." Darian finished the last of the joint. "He told you now."

"After I confessed about me and you."

"Are you pissed that he slept with her or that he has feelings for her?" I asked.

"Both," he answered, "but I have no right to be pissed he fucked her. We had sex."

"How do you even know he still likes her?"

"Feelings don't just go away."

"He loves you," I said. "He's not leaving you. You're the one he wants to marry. Isn't that enough?"

"What if we get married, and he leaves me for a girl?"

I perked a brow. "Are you pissed that he likes someone else? Or are you pissed that he likes a girl?"

He didn't speak at first. "Both," he said. "There are things a girl can give him that I can't. They can have kids together. Society approves. His life will be easier."

"But he's choosing to be with you."

"At least if he was gay, I'll know that there's no chance of him leaving me for a girl. But he likes both. He'll be better off with a girl."

"I'm sure people who go both ways follow their heart, not what society approves of."

"Most bi people end up with someone of the opposite sex."

"Probably because it's easier to find someone of the opposite sex," I said. "Not because they want approval."

"It's hard to not feel insecure sometimes," he said, "so it hurts that he likes a girl. I don't want him to like anyone, but I'll rather him like a guy. So, I wouldn't feel so inadequate to Jessica."

"Dude." I clasped a hand on his shoulder. "You're not inadequate. I know that. Your friends and family know that. Kenji knows that." He smiled. "There's nothing to be insecure about."

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