56) The Repercussions

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"The wedding is off," I told Anushka while we sat across from each other at Angel's Pizzeria

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"The wedding is off," I told Anushka while we sat across from each other at Angel's Pizzeria.

She rolled her eyes. "Obviously. My parents told me. The rest of my family is talking about it, too." She leaned in close. "Know what they're saying?"


"They think you're gay," she said. "After the whole thing with Gabriel. They think you called off the wedding with me because you actually like dick."

"Is that what they said?"

"Not like that," she said. "Just spicing up the narrative a bit."

"Whatever," I muttered. "Doesn't really matter."

She quirked up a brow. "You don't care what they think?"

"They're not my family," I said. "Even my own, I don't give a damn. It's none of their business."

I wasn't going to verbally come out to the rest of my family. At the same time, I meant it when I said I wasn't going to hide Gabriel anymore. They could talk all they wanted.

I was just glad to have Gabriel back. His bosses were pissed, but fuck them, even if it didn't look good on Gabriel. He moved back in, and he wasn't going to find another job yet. He was going to wait for grad school to start. It didn't matter, anyway. My income could sustain us. I wanted him to relax a bit before grad school started.

"Good for you, Gyan Gupta." She chuckled. "You have balls, alright." She watched me a bit. "My only regret is that I didn't get to fuck you a second time."

I snorted. "I'm sure I was the one doing the fucking."

"Whatever makes you sleep at night." She smirked. "You never did get to bend me over."

"I've accepted it," I said. "Not everyone will submit to me."

Anushka sure gave me a run for my money. I was never fully in control with her. It was exciting while it lasted.

I arched a brow. "So, you're still into me?"

"I'll always be into fucking you, Gyan Gupta." I almost told her that she didn't fuck me, but I kept my mouth shut. "You're a hot guy. Plus, I like to have sex with someone at least twice."

"Why's that?"

"Gives them two chances to impress me."

"All I need is one."

"I like your confidence."

"Disappointed that I'm gay?" I asked in a joking way. "Since I'm such a hot guy?"

She shook her head. "Gay guys need hot guys, too. Us straight girls have plenty. We can't be greedy, now can we?"

Anushka would never stop fascinating me. She wasn't wife material. She wasn't my type for a partner, but she was my type of a person.

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