Characters Answer

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In other news I am NEVER doing one of these again, holy shit that was so much work 😂 I think I answered everything though!
It took forever so this is your update for today I'm sorry! Next story chapter coming Thursday.

Quick recap of this world before we get into it:
Hybrids: Jungkook-Bunny, Little One-Fox, Taehyung-Dog, Yoongi-Cat, Jimin-Cat

Humans: Namjoon, Seokjin, Hoseok, Yoongi's girlfriend, Jimin's girlfriend.

Also, in my stories only female hybrids get a 'heat' no matter the breed.

Ready bun?
"I uh - I guess so," he replies, ears twitching nervously, shifting in his seat.

Okay. What are your feelings toward mating?
Jungkook's already big eyes widen. "M-mating? I don't - I'm not sure..." He is blushing deeply.

"I...thank you?" He tilts his head to the side in confusion, blinking his brown eyes, his long black ears flopping to the side cutely. He gives a big bunny smile.

Pineapples on pizza?
"Yummy, yes please!"

Have you ever thought about life as a 70 year old hybrid? I don't know too much about your lifespan, but like, when you've grown old?
Jungkook is staring with his mouth hanging open. "I don't...I don't know..."
Namjoon pokes his head in the room. "Hybrids have similar lifespans as humans. I'm sure Jungkookie will be happy and healthy as an old bunny man," he flashes Jungkook a smile before leaving the room. Jungkook relaxes.

If you didn't have to leave the facility, would you have mated with little one?
Jungkook blinked, remembering the way that being around the fox in her heat had made him feel when they were alone together in that room at the facility. His cheeks heat with embarrassment. "I...I don't know. Something...happens to me when she gets her heat. It's almost scary. I'm not sure what might have happened." He shakes his head, his ears flopping back and forth cutely.

If you had never met little one, how do you think your life would be?
"Wow. Well. Before I met her...I thought I was perfectly happy, you know? But now I don't ever want to go back to life without her. I life would be more boring. And maybe I would be starting to feel lonely."

If someone confessed to little one right in front of your eyes, what would you do?
Jungkook clenches his jaw, his hands squeezing into fists as they rest on his thighs. "Who is confessing to little one?" He asks in a low voice. "And what are they confessing? It better be that they want to be friends..."

Okay so do you first pour cereal, or do you first pour milk?
"Seokjin hyung usually pours my cereal for me..." he says, frowning.

What's the most weird thing you've done for your love for little one?
"L-love?? Um..." Jungkook's eyes widen and then he averts his eyes, reaching up to rub at his ears. "I don't it weird that I drew her?" He thinks for a moment and then looks to the side. "Maybe I should show her my sketches..."

JUNGKOOK you brave bunny I'm so proud ❤️ But now you gotta confess to little one!! Can you do it? For the sake of us readers
Jungkook blushes. "The last time I did that she ran away..."

Little one or Seokjin? (IM eVIL yES i kNOW bUT I sTILL lOBE yOU))
"I would do anything for little one but...Seokjin is my hyung. He's been with me for as long as I can remember. I...I don't know if I could ever pick anyone over him."

Do you like Weetabix?
"What's weetabix?"

What would you do if little one started her heat in the same room as you?
"I think I would probably have to leave the room...I mean little one is...when she's in her heat she isn't herself, you know? S-so if we were going to...unless we had discussed things ahead of time I would have to leave. I need to be respectful," he says, blushing deeply and looking at his lap.

Bunny Baby : jjk ✔️Where stories live. Discover now