Chapter One

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*F L A S H B A C K*

Summer, 2018

I decided to catch up with an old friend of mine, her name's Krystal and we've been friends since kindergarten. We went to an outdoor mall and I really needed this because I've been stressed out lately.

I've been trying to get into this very prestigious high school. Anyways, I don't think I got much luck going there because my dad thinks its a horrible idea yet my mom thinks its perfect for me. So yeah that's basically all the background info you need.

"I wanna get some snacks, let's go to WholeFoods" Krystal, my best friend since kindergarten grabs my arm and practically drags me to the store. She's very healthy so her snacks consist of fruits and a vegan donut whereas, I get some kind of healthy brownie. 

Turns out the brownie was disgusting, never eating healthy again.

Anyways, even though the brownie was disgusting there was one person in particular that looked like a snack. (cringing as I write this)

"Hey that kid over there is looking at you" Krystal saying looking over my shoulder. I turn and in fact there was a kid looking at me. He had curry brown hair, green eyes, freckles, and the brightest yellow shirt  I have ever seen. 

He gives me the cheekiest smile and I smile back.

"He's kinda cute" I say looking at him once more. "Should I say Hi" I question turning back to Krystal. 

"Yeah go for it sista" She laughs eating her strawberries. I turn around again and he's gone.

He left and I'll never see him again. Krystal looks to see him gone aswell.

I turn back around, "Well, too late now" I say kind of disappointed. 

"It's okay Ivy plenty of other people, you can conjure up all the guys" She laughs. I laugh along too. "Plus you'll never see him ever again"

Or so I thought....

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