Chapter Ten

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*J A C K' S P O V*

We were playing truth or dare but this random person keeps texting me. For some reason I respond. But for the sake of the writer we're going to call this person someone.

someone: why did you move here all of a sudden?

me: bc i did...

someone: but when did you move here

me: over the summer...

"Jack" I hear Aiden yell my name. My head turns straight to him. "You've been staring at your phone lately you keepin some secrets from us" He questions me. What does he know? Everyone's staring at me and I get a little intimidated by it.

"uhh I uh-"

"Bro I'm kidding" He laughs and so does everyone else. I laugh too. "But truth or dare" I don't want anyone getting suspicous so I turn my phone off paying attention to the game.


"I dare you to read out your recent text messages" Aiden smirks. Damn it they're gonna know about the random person texting me. After Aiden says that everyone 'ohhhs' so i pull out my phone.

"Okay" I smile looking at Ivy. "I have this random number texting me saying 'what month?' because they asked when I moved here an-" I got cut off by Anna Maria.

"SOME RANDOM PERSON IS TEXTING YOU?" She shouted. I look at them like it's nothing.

"Yeah I don't know who it is" I admitted. "But I'm going to stop talking to that number now because they're asking wayyy too personal questions" I emphasize on the way. Aiden gives me a dissaproving look. Wtf?

"Finish up with the rest of the messages" Aiden said. I look back at my phone to finish up.

"My mom texted me telling me she finished one of her paintings because she is artist" I read.

"Wow that's so cool, I have to see some of her paintings" Ivy smiles, face glowing as she said that. I laugh, if only she knew how much my mom loved to paint.

"Then I texted Ivy asking if she was walking today" I look at her to see her blushing and looking away. "Max texted me telling me to come over, then Hidaya texted me" when I say that Ivy, Anna Maria, and Jade's heads whip at me. I look at them in confusion then turn back to my phone. "She said yes after I asked her a question" I read off.

"What was the question" Jade eyed me. Now if I answered that question it would ruin the surprise.

"Well, Jade the dare was to read the recent messages not the conversation" I smirk playfully at her. She rolled her eyes at me.

"Then lastly my friend from California asked me how it was living here" I finish off and click my phone off. I look at them and they're just looking at me waiting for me to pick someone.

"Jade" Why Jade? Out of all the people I could have picked.


"Truth or dare" I ask her. She thinks hard.

"Truth" she responds a little nervous. I'm a good friend of Max and see him flirting with Jade. I'm not stupid.

"Out of all the guys in this room, who do you find most attractive" I smirk at her. Her eyes gets wide and her face turns red.

"Jack" Ivy yells at me hitting my chest. I laugh at her. Then Max is giving me death glares. I was just trying to help him.

"Uh can I skip" Jade asks me.

"Nope. You gotta tell the truth" Anna Maria says. Ha she gets it.

"Okay fine." Jade gives in. All eyes are on her. "I guess I find Max cutest out of all you guys. Don't get butthurt" She tells us and Max is just staring at her.

Her face immediately turns red. Ivy smiles at me. She smiles a lot.

"Oh guys it's 8:15. We been playing too long" Anna Maria says. I look st my phone and it is in fact 8:15.

"Oh shit lets go guys" Max says getting up. We all get up too and head downstairs.


"Ayeee what's up guys" I say to the guys I recognize from school. I dap him up and walk over to the coolers where I see Ivy talking to a girl I don't know.

"Hey Ivy" I smile at her. She seems surprised by my presents.

"Hi" She says cheerfully. I look at the girl she's talking to. "Oh sorry. Jack this is Krystal" I nod at her. "Krystal, this is Jack" She smiles at me saying hi.

"So are you guys a uh thing" Krystal asks us. That's like the second time someone has said that. Weird.

"Us? No" Ivy laughs. "We're just friends" She smiles at me. I look back at her smiling. My stomach has this weird feeling when Ivy said we're just friend. Weird.

"Oh so Jack here is single" Krystal smirks. I laugh at her. I don't want her. Is that mean?

I walk away from them before Krystal tries to hit on me. She gives me weird vibes. I should tell Ivy later.

We're all enjoying the bonfire sitting and laughing. It's fun. It reminds me of California.

Max walks up to me. He sits down next to me staring at the fire.

"I told her" is all he says. HOLY SHIT. My eyes go wide while I stare him.

"Yoooo congrats man. What did she say?" I question him. He looks kind of sad.  Oh no.

"She said we should just.......GO ON A DATE" Max yells at me his face showing the same emotions I felt when he told me.

"Bro teach me your ways" I joke. He laughs and gets up. Probably to talk to Jade. They're a cute couple no lie.

"Hi stranger" I turn around to see Krystal.

"Hey uh Krystal....right?" I say as she walks to sit next to me.

"Yes" She giggles. "So I didn't want to freak you out when I asked if you were single" she says. I nod at her staring at the fire. "It's just that Ivy said she would never date you. She said you're not good enough for her" She's looking at me waiting for a reaction.

Wait what? Ivy said that? She would never.

"Yeah we're just friends but she didn't have to be so rude about it." I say searching for Ivy in the crowd. She's talking to Aiden.

Of course she is. We all know her and Aiden have a thing.

"Well that's what she told me. I'll see you around Jack" she smiles getting up.

I wave at her focused on Ivy.

She really said that about me. And to think we had something together. But no, I shouldn't have even tried. I actually thought she was different then all the other girls.

But no, she's a stuck up bitch who only goes for their Prince Charming. Which I am not.

I get up off the sand and walk home.

Awee poor jack 😭
What did you guys think of the chapter?
I've been trying to update
frequently but it's hard. 🥵
Anyways, I bet y'all don't remember
Krystal but she was there
When Ivy first saw jack
Back in the summer in the
First chapter.
Just wanted to clear that up
Incase you all forgot 😅
As always please wait I just realized
You guys can't "like" a chapter.
Soo 😂
Vote & comment 💕

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