Chapter Eight

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*J A C K ' S P O V *

Another boring class, how fun. See I like high school but I hate learning. I check my phone to see I got a message from a random number.

Random person: what's up with you and Hidaya

Why is this person asking about Hidaya? How did this person get my number. I decide not to text the person. Fucking weirdo.


me: you're*

Random person: what?

me: its you're reading this not your reading this :)

Random person: oh shut up and answer my question

me: well how can I answer your question if you just told me to shut up :)

Random person: I know you like Ivy

Ivy? Why is she asking about Ivy? Do I like Ivy? I mean she-

"Jack put the phone away" Miss Cote yells at me. I reluctantly shove the phone in my pocket and continue with the boring lecture.

Right when I'm about to doze off the bell rings signaling the class is over and lunch time. Finally

I leave the class and walk to my locker. When I reach my locker I see her looking at me.

I never noticed how pretty she looked. She's a lot shorter than me but I find that cute about her. Who am I kidding though, we can never be together, why am I even thinking like this. It could ruin everything.

She smiles at me and walks off. I don't think she gets how effortlessly she makes things look. But no, it can't happen, we can't happen.

I go to the lunch room and sit with Max and Aiden. Even though they're seniors its really cool to hang out with them. Aiden started liking me now so I guess Ivy was right.

"Sup Jack" Max yells giving me a fist bump. I take a seat opposite of Aiden.

"Bro I had this random ass person text me in class" I say taking out my phone to show them.

"That shit's crazy, do you know who it is" Aiden says intrigued.

"Of course he doesn't know, stupid" Max says to him throwing a bread roll at his head. Aiden catches it and takes a bite out of it. I laugh at this and turn my attention back to my phone.

Who could this person be? It starts to freak me out and my mind fills with endless question. Max and Aiden talk and talk and its like murmur to me because I'm still focused on the random person.

"So Jack you in" Max questions me making me zone back into the conversation.


"See I told you he didn't wanna go" Aiden says not answering my question. Okay, although he still is kinda rude that's how Aiden is I've come to learn.

"Shut up Aiden" Max says pushing his face away from him. "Me and the boys are throwing a bonfire at the beach today, wanna go" I didn't know they throw bonfires outside of california. I sratch my heading thinking if I should go or not. Is she gonna be there? Probably will be there.

"yeah I'll go" I say answering Max. Great bonfire time.

*A F T E R S C H O O L *

"hey mom" I yell once I enter the house. I didn't walk home with Ivy today so I went straight home.

"Hi Jack how was school" My mom's voice echos through the house. I follow the sound to the living room where I see her wearing her reading glasses and reading a book.

"It was fine, the boys are throwing a bonfire tonight and I said I'd go, reminds me of the summer nights in cali" I say reminiscing the good times.

"Okay that's fine because I actually am gonna head out soon to get some new paints" she says kicking her feet off the coffee table. My mom is an artist and her paintings go for lots of money but she stays anonymous so no one know's its her.

It was so hard when people would ask me what my mom does for living so all I'd say is 'she paints'.

I head up to my room and get a ding on my phone. Its the random person again.

Random person: i'm guessing you not answering me is a yes

I think she's talking about me liking Ivy. But the only reason I didn't text back because I had to put my phone away.

me: i don't have to tell you anything

Random person: ahh so you do like her

me: I don't now goodbye

This person was getting on my nerves so I decide to text Max about the bonfire.

me: when should I head to the beach

Max: some people are at my house rn if you wanna help

With nothing else better to do I text him saying I'll be right over.

"Bye mom I'm headed to Max's house before the bonfire. Love you" I say and shut the door.

I walk over to their house and knock on the door. Ivy answers the door. She looks shocked.

"What are you doing here" She says in a surprised way.

"nice to see you too" I say and let myself in. I've gotten so close to their family that I feel like I live there.

"Hey Jack, help us out here" Max yells at me in the kitchen. I walk over while saying Hi to everyone. It's mostly the guys from the football team and Ivy sitting on the couch eating ice cream. I'd join her but I got work to do. "We're just packing everything up" Max says getting out a bag of ice from the freezer.

I finish up helping them and jump on the couch next to Ivy.

"What's up girl" I greet Ivy smiling.

"I can't believe you're going to my brother's stupid bonfire" She says rolling her eyes. What's up with her.

"Why, what's wrong with that"

"It's stupid. All they do is drink beer and talk to girls" she says as if she's learned from experience. But, it doesn't even seem too bad. I've been to many bonfires and I know its more than that.

"Well, you're going right" as soon as I say that she looks at me dead in the eyes.

"over my dead body" she says coldly that it almost scares me. almost.

"yep, you're going" I exclaim she looks mortified.

"What no" she yells at me.

"Nope you're going" I smile at her.

"Nope I'm not going" She says turning back to the tv.

"awe Come on" I say pouting. Then I think of the perfect idea. "Ivy Ivy Ivy" I start chanting. Then soon enough all the guys start too.

"IVY IVY IVY" Everyone chants and Ivy looks annoyed. Perfect.

"FINE I'LL GO" She yells and everyone exclaims excitedly. She looks annoyed at me and all I do is smile at her.

She'll thank me later.

Hey authors here 👋🏼
I hoped you like this chapter
I'm starting to add music
To these chapters that
I think fit with it 🥰
Tell me if you guys like it
So I can do it more often
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xoxo 💕💕

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