Chapter Fourteen

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I have been taking time to myself, not worrying about what's going on. I haven't texted any of my friends, didn't stay on my phone 24/7, I didn't even talk to my brother that much. But, him being him he barged into my room asking why I'm so weird. Besides that life's been great. It's not like my friends forgot about me it's just that I've been rejecting all their plans to hang out, including Krystal's. Call me selfish but I really needed this for myself.

I was sitting in my room reading Pride and Prejudice until I heard a familiar voice I haven't heard in a long time. Asher? What is he doing in my house?

Me being nosy I snuck out of my room and saw Asher talking to Max. When I say me and Asher used to be friends I mean I used to fight off his bullies at the playground. Our mom's were friends since high school so it was destined we knew each other. I never really knew why we stopped being friends but every time I see him we act like we are still good best friends. So, when he caught me watching by the staircase he just had to scream my name out real loud.

"Ivy" He yells walking up to me with his arms out for a hug. I smile and hug him. When I say he glowed up I mean it, he looks like a whole model but I'll still remember him as the little 8 year old who needed a girl to fight off his bullies. Good times.

"What are you doing here, how you been" I ask him so many questions when I notice all the bags behind him. What?

"I'm living here now" He says in excitement. I look at Max and he shrugs.

"My mom had to go on a business trip for a few weeks and I couldn't fly to my dad's and miss a bunch of school days so my mom talked to your mom and boom. We're roomies!" He says the last part cheering. I cheer with him too, it's good we get to catch up on everything we've missed all those years. Also, Asher's parents split like a while ago and over the summer he goes to Texas with his dad, no wonder he's such a hottie. But I'd never say that to his face.

Right when it's about to get awkward my mom walks through the door talking to Asher's mom.

"Ivy" Asher's mom smiles dearly coming to hug me. I hug her and she takes a good look at me. "Well aren't you just a cutie" She says to me pinching my cheeks. She always told me to go into modeling but I could never.

"Hi Mimi" I called her mimi because when I was younger I didn't know how to say Malorey so I just said Mimi and it's stuck.

"I hope you don't mind Ash staying for a couple of weeks" She tells me. I shake my head.

"It's no problem, it's been kind of quiet around hear" I joke.

"Yeah because you decided to go MIA" Max snickers and I punch him in the stomach. Mimi looks at us confused but I just smiled at her.

"Ivy, Max, why don't you help Asher grab his bags" My mom tells us and we all walk outside.

"Bro don't tell me you brought your ps4" Max asks him holding up one of the bags. I roll my eyes.

"Never leave home without it" He says opening the bag to reveal a video game console. Boys will be boys I look straight ahead and notice Jack playing basketball. He looks over at us and I duck behind Asher.

"What are you doing" Asher asks me turning around. Jack looks at me and I turn my back.

"She has a crush on Jack" Max says without a second thought. I throw one of Asher's bag at Max's head.

"Damn Ivy you like Jack" He says a little too loud and I shush him up by slapping his head. "Ow what was that for" He asks me rubbing his head. I look at Jack's place signaling Asher to look and he does. "Hey Jack" Asher yells out waving and I duck again.

"Hey Asher" I hear Jack say questioning him.

"Oh shit Ivy he's coming over" Asher laughs looking at me. I hear Max laughing too so I sit in the trunk trying to hid behind the bags. "Sup Jack" Asher says dapping him up.

"Yo" Max says after giving a bro hug. Then I see Jack looking into the trunk and he sees me. Uh oh

"Ivy? What are you doing" He asks me. Fuck fuck fuck. I fumble with the bags looking for something to grab.

"Oh I was just looking for Asher's" I finally reach something and pull it out, "retainer" I question lifting it up. "Ew" I grimace at it throwing it at Asher. Max laughs and so does everyone, including jack. Fml.

"What is Ash-"

"Kids hurry up" my mom yells cutting Jack off.

"Well gotta go Jack see you later" I fumble with my words. I grab Asher's arm forcefully and drag him inside the house. I'm about to end this kids life.

"Wait Ivy" I turn around my face flushed from embarrassment. "I needed to talk to you" He tells me. Max stares at me all the bags in hand. I look at Asher pleading for help. He takes his phone out.

"It's almost 4 my mom leaves soon we gotta hurry come on Ivy. See you around Jack" Asher lies walking back inside. Oh thank the lorddddd for Asher.

Once we're inside I hug Asher. "Thank you thank you thank youuuuu" I jump up and down.

"No that's only for saying sorry for calling him over. Imma get you put on with him" He tells me and I frown. "Come on Ivy I can tell he likes you and you obviously like him. Give it a chance" He tells me. I stare at him. He breaks out into a grin. "Your face looks like a tomato" He jokes laughing and I punch him walking away. He's so annoying. But I love him. As annoying as he is we were meant to be in each other's life again as best friends. Fuck the females. Just kidding I love my female friends. At least some of them *cough* Krystal *cough*

What's up guys!! Do you like the new chapter??? Tell me what you
Think and if you ship jack and Ivy or Asher and Ivy also doesn't Heather have a crush on Asher???
Oooo let's see how this goes. As always vote & comment xoxo Iris 💕💕💕

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