Chapter Twenty Two

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I've always loved nature. I like watching the clouds and just being in nature, it calms me. It makes me feel at ease and I guess I don't appreciate it as much as I should. So, as I sit at the park watching kids go down slides without a care in the world I feel calm with a slight bit of jealousy. They don't care about anything going on, they just want to have fun.

I miss that, having fun. I forget what it's like. Silly me, how could I forget how much fun I had before everything. When I was just a happy little middle schooler who didn't care about anything and had the cutest crush on her brother's best friend.

But, I realized sooner or later that boys suck. Any type of boys, your brother, boyfriend, crush, best friend, they're all the worst. Ironically enough my life has been filled with boys and it's the same reason I had to get out of that house.

It was just too much to handle.

"Ivy?" I hear a small voice say behind me. I turn around and see a very nervous Heather. Oh? She starts running up to me. "Ivy I'm so sorry I've been a horrible friend to you." She starts ranting to me. I know Heather didn't want to be in all this drama, me as well. We just kinda got swooped in.

"Heather calm down" I say and she starts hyperventilating. "It's okay"

"No Ivy. I've been a horrible friend to you. I didn't realized how toxic our friendship was becoming and I'm so sorry. I'm sorry for kissing Jack and getting mad at you. I'm sorry for all the drama that we created" She goes on. Wow.  I can't believe she's sorry for that. I should be the one who's sorry.

"Heather heather" I say trying to calm her down. I grab both her shoulders so she's facing me as I speak. "I should be the one who's sorry. I kissed your boyfriend without even telling you. I got you wrapped in all this drama. I'm the reason why Jack and Asher hate each other's guts. If anything, I've been the horrible friend. You shouldn't have to apologize and even so I'd always forgive you because your my best friend. Surprisingly enough this so called, 'drama'" I bring out the air quotes. "Has made us even closer than before. So in a way I'm glad we had this drama" I conclude which makes her smile. Her smile is contagious so it makes me smile as well.

(y'all ain't ready for this lmaoo)

"You know what Asher" them my fist collided with his face. The second I did that Ivy dashes out of the house, Heather following.


Why does she always leave?

I turn back around and Asher is gripping his jaw.

"WHAT THE FUCK YOU GUYS" Max yells at us. Oops?

I didn't regret it one bit.

"Asher are you okay?" Hidaya is quick to his side.

"No no it's fine. I deserved it" Asher says still holding his jaw.

"Uhhh. I'll go get some ice" Anthony says awkwardly running to the kitchen.

I look at my knuckles and see bruises. Then I lift my sleeve up and notice the long slashes on my wrist.

I remember the blood dripping from my arm in the bathroom. Thinking, "this is what you deserve Jack. You've ruined so many lives. You need this" Boy how right I was.

I pull my sleeve down and look up and notice Jade looking at me. She quickly looks away. Damn it she saw.

"Here Asher" Anthony hands him the ice.

"Jack maybe you should leave" Max says fury evident on his face. No I can't leave yet.

"I need to talk with Asher" I say.

"Haha no. You think imma let y'all be in a room together alone?"

"That's gay!" Anthony says out of no where. We all turn to him and he turns red in embarrassment. "Sorry" he mumbles quietly. "I just came to work on the project so..."

"You're right, maybe y'all should work on your project while I talk with Jack" Asher says holding the ice pack to his face. Max looks at him and Asher nods.

"Fine." Max says reluctantly sitting next to Jade. She grabs his hand and whispers something to him.


"Let's go" Asher interrupts me. We walk to the front of her house. "Jack."


"This is really awkward for me to say but I love Ivy"


(I'm leaving this longgg ass space so you can't read the next part)

"I love her because she's my best friend. We've been best friends for years but she isn't anything compared to Heather. My love for heather is different than my love for Ivy" He continues noticing my discomfort when he said he loved her.

(haha gotcho dumbass)

(I'm sorry I'm writing this really late at night)

(Please continue)

"Just know when I kissed Ivy I was angry at everything. I confused my love for Ivy as my love for Heather. Ivy and her family has done so much for me and at that moment I really thought it was us who were meant to be together. I didn't tell Ivy any of this by the way" he tells me. It makes me want to throw up.

"But now that I have Heather she makes me feel happier. Even more happier than Ivy made me. Heather brought out the best in me the same way you bring out the best in Ivy. Even though she may be mad at you right now she still loves you more than anything" His last part made me feel a lot better.

But it was my turn to speak.

"Asher. I'm sorry for punching you. I was just caught up in the moment and I've had all this energy built up in me that I just had to let go of. And you're right about the Ivy thing. I know she can't stay mad at me forever but there were times when I actually thought she'd hate me forever and that I'm such a dumbass for treating her like that." I remember the times where I'd cut myself in the bathroom but I'm not telling him that. "Also I'm sorry for kissing Heather I don't know how you're apologizing so quickly. But that just shows how good of a person you really are. I think you're a good friend to Ivy and an ever better boyfriend to Heather. I'm sorry for ruining your relationship with her. I hope you can forgive me" I finish and Asher was just nodding whenever I said something.

"Of course i forgive you man" Asher says playfully. "Wanna hug it out?" He asks me.

"No homo though" I joke and I give him a hug.

"All homo" he whispers in my ear. We pull apart laughing.

"Let's go find our girls" Asher says getting up. He removed the ice bag to reveal his purple eye. It looks just like mine except mines more red now.

"Hey I got the same one"
I say pointing to his purple eye. "Twins" I joke and we go off to find Ivy and Heather.

I hope Ivy is okay and she's not mad st me anymore. But why wouldn't she, I practically ruined her life. I made her lose all her friends.

I had to make it up to her.

I had to call up Hidaya again so we can go through our plan that was put off for a while now.

Hellooooo peopleeeeeee
Hope you enjoyed like always and everyone forgave each other yay !!
Also, did anyone realized Anna Maria wasn't in this chapter like AT ALL
Don't forget to vote & comment
Byeee 💕💕

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