Chapter Nine

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*I V Y ' S P O V*

So Jack practically forced me to go to my brother's bonfire welcoming the new school year and I have no idea what to wear. Yay me. I go to text my helper.

me: Jade !!!!

Jade: yes bitch

me: I need help

Jade: with what

me: an outfit for the bonfire 😅

Jade: ur going to that? I thought you hated them 😂

me: Jack's making me go 🤦🏻‍♀️

Jade: yikes I'll be over in 5

me: great thanks 😊


Jade: im outside

I rush out of my room and down the stairs to open the door. I see not only Jade but Anna Maria is here as well. Good I have two helpers.

"I need an outfit now" I command in a jokingly manner and they laugh. We walk upstairs and Max says hi to Jade. I saw her blush and she looks at me.

"What?" she says the blush still on her cheeks.

"Nothing" I smirk and we go into my room.

"So why are you goin to the bonfire again" Anna Maria asks. She goes into my closet picking out pieces and so does Jade.

"I told you" Jade says. "Jack made her" Jade continues. I roll my eyes while Jade throws some clothes on my bed.

You're going with him after what he did?" Anna Maria says shocked. Oh right I forgot about that. "I mean have you talked to him about it" She questions sitting on my bean bag chair.

"It's not like we're dating so, its none of my business" I justify myself. Anna Maria scoffs while Jade looks confused.

"What happened" Jade questions looking at both of us.

"You didn't tell her" Anna Maria whispers to me as if Jade isn't in the room.


"what happened" Jade questions again.

"Oh nothing just that Jack was flirting with Hidaya" Anna Maria says enphisizing on Hidaya. Jade looks shook.

"Damn for real" Jade says intrigued.

"Yep me and Heather saw it with our own two eyes" Anna Maria says nodding.

"Don't you mean four eyes" My brother Max says interrupting our conversation. Anna Maria wears glasses and Max has always made fun of her about it.

"Shut the fuck up" Anna yells throwing a pillow at his head which he catches.

"You uh going to the bonfire, Jade" Max says turning to Jade. Anna turns to me with a questioning face. I just shrug my shoulders.

"I wasn't planning on it" jade looks at him.

"Well you should go, it's gonna be fun" He says keeping eye contact with her. Everyone get's all quiet so I cough. That helps Max leave his trance and he says, "Oh and uh you too, Four Eyes" Max laughs throwing the pillow he caught back at Fou- I mean Anna Maria.

"Ok leave my room now dumbass" I yell at him and he leaves shutting the door.

Right when he shuts it Jade freaks out.

"What just happened" Anna says staring at Jade. I smile at the sight.

"I think I like Max" Jade whispers just enough for the both of us to hear. Then my room is filled with squeals.

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