Chapter Twenty Three

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"You know what Asher" Then Asher got punched in the face. Woahhhh

Jack's phone falls out of his pocket and my eyes flicker to the screen. Someone's been texting him.

My nosey ass decides to pick it up.

Unknown person: jackkkkk
Unknown person: text me backkkkk

Who is this? I scurry upstairs to Ivy's room. Surprisingly enough his phone in unlocked. Dumbass.

I scroll through the messages reading everything. Interestinggg

(Messages from 3 days ago)

Unknown person: why are you so depressed

Jack: my life is shit rn

What? Jack is depressed? I did not know of this.

Unknown: jack stop ignoring me. I know your reading this.

Fuck I have to text this person back.

me: fine you caug-

I stop texting when someone barges into the room. Jade.

"What are you doing here?" She asks me suspiciously.

"What are you doing here?" I emphasize on the you. She flickers her gaze to Jack's phone that I try to hide behind me. Shoot.

"Why do you have Jack's phone" she asks walking closer to me.

"Why do YOU have Jack's phone" I respond.

"I don't even have- Anna spill it" she responds holding her hand out for me to give to her.

"Fine." I huff handing her Jack's phone. I watch as her expression changes from confusion to worry. After she's done she hands me back his phone.

"Who the helllllll is that" Jade asks me. I shrug my shoulders. "Anna I gotta tell you something" I question her and she sits on the edge of Ivy's bed. "Jack had cuts on his arms" She begins. what??? "and I think he's been cutting himself" She finishes. I am in shock.

Jack is cutting himself.


As me and Heather are walking we hear someone faintly yell our names.

"Ivy.....Heather" We both look at each other. As we walk closer to the yelling the voices start to become very familiar.

Jack and Asher.

Heather runs to Asher making them both fall due to the impact of the hug. I slowly make my way over to Jack.

"Ivy, I'm so sorry. I'm a horrible person and you have every right to be mad at me. I should have trusted you and not listen to everything everyone tells me" He begins. He sounds sincere and heartbroken as I just stare at him blankly. Should I forgive him? He's hurt me a lot and I don't know if I'm ready for that again.

I do what I know how to do best, hugs.

I hug him with all my might and he holds me securely. I love being in his arms, it feels right. But it's too soon, not now.

Even though I'd like in his arms longer I pull away. Me being awkward I stare at the concrete.

"Jack.." I begin and he grabs my chin making me look into his sparkling eyes that are not as dull as they used to be. But brighter than I've ever seen them.

"Jack, I'm not ready. I'm sorry. I just need time and space" I say and I see the hurt in his eyes and his facial expression as I say those words. It hurts me too. But, I know we both need this.

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