Chapter Nineteen

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"So, how was everyone's day" my mom asks us at the dinner table. We are all pretty glum so I turn my attention to the food. My mom looks at us. "Anything interesting?" She asks us. Max is the first to respond.

"I got an A on my math test" Max says and my mom looks surprised. Turns out Max isn't that stupid after all.

"Wow that's great Max. How was your day Asher?" my mom asks him. I look up from my plate and look at him.

"It's okay" He responds push the food around with his fork. "Excuse me" He says then gets up and runs up the stairs.

"Mom?" I ask her and she nods. I run upstairs after him. I enter the guest room aka Asher's room.

I knock before entering which is weird, Asher responds with a, come in.


"Come in" I say weakly expecting Ivy. I turn and I was correct, Ivy walks into my room. She sits next to me on the bed. We're both silent for a few minutes before she speaks.

"So, are you okay?" She asks me, sincerity in her voice. She sounds so angelic. I turn to her and she stares at my bloodshot eyes. She gasps once she sees it and I can tell her eyes start to water.

"Ivy, I'm fine" I tell her but she shakes her head no. Then she comes and gives me a hug. This time the comfort from her hug gives me warmth. She's always so happy and it makes me happy to know she's happy.

"Ash, I'm so sorry" She repeats over and over. I release from the hug.

"It's okay Ivy I'm not mad at you" I reassure her grabbing both her wrists. She looks down at her hands as I do it. "I can't even look at Jack and Heather the same ever again" I spit out in pure hatred. She sighs and looks up at me.

"You know, I miss us hanging out, like old times" She says smiling. Her smile is so contagious so I smile too.

"Yeah, when life was simpler" I respond and she nods. I notice Ivy's features I haven't noticed before. The way her long brown hair cascades down her shoulders. Her naturally pink cheeks that adore her little freckles. Her soft lips that look so kissable.


We're only friends. But something in me urges to kiss her. I tilt her face up and she looks at me, confusion written on her face. I then go in to kiss her. She freezes for a second before softening into the kiss. Yes, her soft lips were kissable.

My door creaks and just like that we separate. I turn my head to look who's at the door but only meet with the hallway empty.

Ivy immediately gets off my bed and rushes out the door.

"Ivy" I call after her but she vanishes in a matter of seconds.

I lay on my bed.



I kissed her. Why did I kiss her? I slap my face hoping it was a dream but it's not. I really did kiss her. I lick my lips tasting the chapstick that she was wearing. The glossier coconut balm dotcom. So specific I know. WHAT THE HELL?


He- he kissed me. I kissed Asher, we kissed. Why did I want to kiss him? Why did we kiss?

I pace in my room hoping no one saw it. Why did I kiss Asher? He's my best friend I would never want to kiss him. I was only trying to comfort him, but we kissed? Why? I am so stupid, why did I kiss him back?

I walk out of my room to head to the bathroom but as I walk out Asher walks out as well. We make eye contact for a few seconds before I rush down the stairs and he heads back in his room. Why are we so awkward?

I plop on the couch hitting my head repeatedly with one of the couch pillows. "" I groan. Max walks into the room holding some Ben and Jerry's ice cream.

"Want some....?" He asks me holding it out. I shake my head no and continue hitting myself with the pillow. "it's okay Ivy, we all make mistakes" He tells me. His statements makes me turn my head a little. What does he know?

"What?" I ask him and he shrugs his shoulders scooping some ice cream into his mouth. I roll my eyes dismissing his statement.


"Mom can I go too?" I ask her and she sighs. I take that as a yes and head upstairs quietly. I look through the tiny crack in Asher's room. I notice them sitting on the couch talking. I try to listen in on their conversation.

"when life was simpler" I hear someone say. Then I kid you not they kissed. Out of surprise my hand pushes the door making a creaking noise. I speed to my room. I'm talking I turned into the flash. Just zoom zoom outta this bitch. I wipe a fake sweat from my forehead when I'm in my room. Then Ivy runs into her room and Asher calls for her. She makes eye contact with me when she passes my room. I try to not look surprised and I became a whole actor. Instead of showing how shocked I was I turned all annoyed and shit so she wouldn't tell.

I head downstairs into the kitchen and my mom makes me wash some dishes.

"What happened with Asher" My mom asks me. I freeze and almost break a plate. Fuck.

"Oh nothing, he was just a little tired so when I went up he was in bed sleeping" I respond turning into an actor again. I call it, improve....right? She nods putting on her reading glasses to read a book. Something pride and prejudice.....I don't know.

I finish up the dishes and see Ivy head to the couch. I grab some ice cream and a spoon and head over to her.

"Want some" I ask her turning into actor Max once again. She says no and I think of some wise words for her. "it's okay Ivy, we all make mistakes" is all I'm able to come up with.

"What?" She says to me. I freeze for only half a second before shrugging my shoulders to act dumb. She rolls her eyes and on the inside I'm smiling. She doesn't suspect a thing. Damn I should use Actor Max more often.

I always say hopefully you liked this chapter and I'm gonna say it until you all love my story. Anywaysss we finally went into Max's pov !!! Yess. Tell me what you love and don't love bc I need so critiquing done with my story. Anyways don't forget to vote & comment. Byeeeeee 💕💕

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