Chapter Twenty Four

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"Isn't that Krystal's number?" Hidaya blurts out loud enough for everyone to hear. All heads turn in my direction.

I go to my contacts and search for Krystal's number. And her number perfectly matches Jack's unknown texter.

"Wow" I let out an exhausted sigh. "It was her the whole time"

"Bitch I always told you she was acting funny" Hidaya tells me. Well she isn't wrong. None of my friends really liked Krystal, that's why I always hung out with just her.

"Wait it's Krystal?" Heather questions but she looks towards the direction of Jade. They give each other a look, they def know something.

"What is it" I deadpan.

"What's what?" Heather tries to act like she's dumbfounded.

"I know you guys know something" I say and Jade sighs.

"Fine. We saw Krystal at the mall and I didn't say anything but I think she was lowkey trying to get at Jack at the bonfire" She tells me. Why do I care? It's not like we're dating...right?

"Okay? She can have him if she wants, I don't care" I say with my chin up.

"Ivy don't say that" Asher says to me. It takes me by surprise because Asher has been silent the whole time.

"Yeah Jack's lowkey hot, I'd tap that" Anthony says. Wait what

"Shut up An- wait what?" Hidaya is surprised by his statement. We all are. "You're gay?" Hidaya yells.

"You guys never listen! I literally came out to everyone like  months ago" He exaggerates. He rolls his eyes.

Wow. I haven't been paying attention.

"Anyways as I was saying" He starts giving Hidaya the look for interrupting him. She mouths a sorry. "You should be at least a little bit upset because Jack likes you, I can see it. And I know deep down you have feelings for him too" He has a point, I guess. "You shouldn't waste that opportunity. I mean we only live once"

"As cheesy as all that sounds, you're right" I get up and give Anthony a hug. He laughs.

"So like, are we gonna fight the bitch or.." Hidaya starts, ruining the moment.

"For real" Jade replies.

"Um, not now. We need more information, like how she's been getting information" I respond and they all nod agreeing with me.

"And then we can fight the bitch" Hidaya responds not even mentioning anything I said.

"Fight who?" My mom walks in eyeing Hidaya. Hidaya turns red in embarrassment.

"Hey, Ivy's mom" Hidaya responds and we all laugh at her.

"Hi Hidaya" My mom says to her in her stern voice. "How's the project going" Oh shit.

I forgot all about the project. We all look at each other questioning who's gonna tell her.

"Oh, we're almost done" Jade speaks up, smiling. "Right guys?" She says in a questioning tone but it sounds more like a 'if we say no she will end our life' tone.

"Great. But you kids need to leave soon because Jack and his mom invited us to dinner. Unless you all want to go" She speaks up putting her purse down.


All eyes turn to me.

"Same time next week guys?" I ask and they all nod abruptly getting up.

"Yep. Bye guys" Hidaya says leaving with Heather.

"Bye Max" Jade says to him and she dodges his kiss. Damn. "Bye Ivy, tell me everything" She whispers in my ear and I nod.

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