Chapter Twenty

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I wave my hands so Heather can see where I'm sitting. I was currently at the mall and I was meeting up with Heather. I had some important business to tell her.

She smiles when she sees me and starts to scurry over here. I get up to hug her.

"Hi!"'I smile and she smiles back. We sit down and she waits patiently for me to speak.

I get a little nervous telling her but it's what a good friend would do. Ivy should take some notes.

"So um-" I get cut off by someone.

"Oh my gosh! Hi guys!" A familiar voice says. It's ugh Krystal what the fuck is she doing here.

"Oh hey Krystal" I say half heartedly.

"Hi" Heather says.

"Mind if I join you guys?" She asks us. She acts like we're friends. We all know she was low key trynna get at Jack at that bonfire.

"We're actually about to leave, so uh" Heather says awkwardly. I look at her and try to continue the sentence.

"Oh yeah we were just about to go" I continue. Krystal nods her head but her eyes say something else.

"Oh that's fine. I'll see you guys later. Bye" she waves disappearing. Where did the bitch go?

We get up and start walking to a random store.

"That was awkward" Heather says. I nod my head. "So what were you gonna tell me?" She asks me. I gulp and carefully choose what words to say so she doesn't get mad.

"Max told me that Asher and Ivy sort of.....kissed" I say. She stares at me. Her face turns pale.

"What?" She responds. I nod my head.

"He's mad at me. That's why. I thought he knew I didn't want to kiss Jack and jack kissed me" she rants. Wait what?

"You kissed jack?!" I all but scream out. She hushes me.

"I did but to be fair he kissed me not the other way around" she states. I think this through.

So, jack kissed Heather and then Asher got mad so he kissed Ivy? Wtf. Why are they my friends? Asher is suck a fucking hypocrite, honestly. How can he get mad at Jack for doing that and then end up doing the same damn thing.

"That shit is wack" I respond not thinking twice about what I said. Heather turns to me.

"Yeah. But I would never think Asher would kiss Ivy. Ivy probably thinks Jack still likes me so that's why she kissed Asher." Heather continues. Hold up, how much did I miss? 

"Wait I don't remember that part" I say.

"That's because you weren't there" she replies. Damn I missed so much.

"I can't even hang out with Asher or Ivy now." She continues. I sigh.

"It's okay Heather, you got me, Hidaya, Anna Maria" I say patting her shoulder.

"You're right. Let's just forget about all the drama. I'm just gonna start hanging out with you guys more often" she says which makes me smile. Ever since me and Max have been dating I haven't been able to hang out with my friends that often. So, I'm glad me and Heather got a chance to catch up.


Asher and I are the most awkward we've ever been. It's hard living in the same house as the person you just kissed. But I still don't know why I kissed Asher.

I was in the wrong state of mind. I don't even like him. So, why did I kiss him? Was it because I was mad about the Jack kissing Heather? I don't really know.

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