Chapter Fifteen

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It's been about three days since Asher has been here and honestly it's like having another annoying brother. But I'm fine with it. Heather found out and always wants to come over but I always say it's too early. It's gonna look suspicious that she comes the day he stays over.

But today was Friday and I wanted to do something fun. I didn't tell her to come over yet because I wanted it to be at night so we could do something then.

I was currently in my room listen to music with Asher. We were just talking about random things.

"If I had to chose I'd probably be the color blue because it's so cool" Asher says. We were currently talking about if you had to be any color what would you be. "Or green because it's so weird" he rapidly says.

I put on the song Umberella by Rihanna and Asher gets off the bed and starts dancing. He grabs the umbrella out of my closet and starts dancing with it.

"Now that it's raining more than ever" he sings. "Know that we'll still have eachother" he sings to me. He's so annoying so I through a pillow at him.

Then the chorus comes on and I just have to sing along.

"Under my umbrella Ella Ella" We sing together. Very loudly might I add.

When the song ends we laugh and plop on the bed. Then my phone rings. I see Heathers name and answer it on the laptop. Asher sits next to me while I press the accept button to face time.

Her face shows up on my screen and she immediately sees Asher sitting next to me.

"Hey Heather" I smile waving. Asher waves too.

"Oh yeah Asher didn't know you were there" Such a liar I hate her. "I was just gonna ask you if I left my makeup stuff at your house" she asks me with a weird look on her face. Makeup? What makeup?

"I don't-" and Heather tries to tell me something with her face. Ohhh her excuse to come over. "Actually I see it on my desk." I say and she mentally sighs. I can't see it but I picture her in her head mentally sighing.

"I'll come by to pick it up" she tells me.

"Now?" I ask. She looks at me confused.

"Yeah are you guys home?" She asks me. Asher is too busy on his phone to even listen to the conversation.

"Yeah we are come by" I tell her.

"Okay I'll see you there bye guys" she says and Asher looks up from his phone to say bye. Then the call ends.

"Who ya texting" I ask Asher trying to peep at his phone. He backs away quickly.

"None of your business" he tells me laughing.

"Okay fine imma head downstairs" I say. I walk downstairs and he follows. When I reach the bottom steps Max is sitting on the couch with Jade. They're watching a movie and of course me being me I just HAVE to interrupt them.

"WHAT IS UP PARTY PEOPLE" I yell jumping on top of them and Asher notices and jumps too.

"HOW'S THE MOVIE" Asher asks them and Jade laughs while Max looks a little annoyed.

"It was good until you guys came along" Max mutters and we all laugh. I'm about to say something until the door bell rings. I go to answer it obviously knowing it's Heather. I open the door to see, Aiden?

"What's up beautiful" Aiden jokes winking at me. I close the door in his face but he stops it with his foot.

"What are you doing here Aiden" I ask him and he smiles.

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