Home Run

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WARNING ⚠️⚠️⚠️  INCEST, I repeat, INCEST
(don't kink shame me... this is so wrong but so hot
If they're brothers irl i wouldn't ship them)


Phil sighs heavily as he ups the volume on the quiet TV, the shrill voices of Saturday morning cartoons slowly creeping over the monotonous droning of the air-conditioning unit. The cool air blowing into the open living room doesn't do much to stop the back of his t-shirt from sticking to the leather behind him, an unwelcome –  yet familiar – reminder of the English heatwave that's lingered for over a week now. It's hot. Too hot, Phil thinks as he flings the remote aside and slumps against the arm of the couch, tired eyes drooping closed. So hot it could wake the dead.

His suspicions are confirmed when he hears the unmistakable patter of footsteps descending the stairs – the temperature must have reached apocalyptic levels, because nothing else could get his little brother out of bed before noon on a weekend.

'Fuck, it's hot,' Dan whines as he ambles across the room, bare feet squeaking dully against tile.

Phil doesn't bother wasting energy formulating a proper response and merely grunts in agreement. Bathing in the artificial breeze, he blindly listens to the fridge door swinging open in the adjoining kitchen, closely followed by a soft sigh of relief from Dan at the cool air it offers.

'And there's no milk. Great,' Dan huffs. The refrigerator seal snaps shut, then open again. 'Mum at work?'

Cornered into conversation, Phil mumbles a muffled, 'yep.'

Then comes a noise he can't quite place. The sudden, unfamiliar sound of ruffling plastic piques Phil's curiosity enough to finally open his eyes and look across at his brother; Dan's head is hidden behind the open freezer door, but his body is in perfect view from Phil's place on the couch. Long, tanned legs extend from the oversized shirt that rides up his slender thighs as he rummages, balanced on tip-toe to make up for the overdue growth-spurt Phil had been gifted on his sweet sixteenth. Phil drags in a sharp breath through his teeth as he watches the summer sunlight dance across the endless soft skin. The patterns it makes are hypnotising – they take advantage of his overheating brain, lulling it into a speechless stupor.

'Big surprise,' Dan snorts, slamming the freezer shut with careless force, a pink icypole dangling from his left hand. 'But at least she's not here to nag me about– what? Why are you looking at me like that?'

Phil blinks rapidly as he's snapped back to reality. He hurriedly hoists himself up into a sitting position, forcing his vision up to a safer spot and his thoughts far, far down. The shape of his slack lips mimic the white '0' stitched to the front of Dan's shirt as he grasps at an excuse.

'Why the hell are you wearing my top?' he says.-

Dan looks down at the red football jersey he wears – it fits too loose on his small frame, the parallel white stripes of its hem resting against thigh rather than hip and the shallow V-neck showing too much collarbone, yet it somehow manages to look better on him than the broad torso to which it was tailored. Phil hyper-fixates on the small spark of jealousy he feels towards his stunning younger brother in an attempt to defuse anything else it ignites. Dan just shrugs.

'No clean clothes,' he says.

'I've got a game Monday!' Phil says as he watches Dan tear open the icypoles' plastic wrapper with his teeth. 'You're gonna get it all sticky!'

'Oh, get over it,' Dan says, pretty brown eyes sparkling as he traipses over to the couch and collapses beside Phil, too close for comfort, especially considering the blazing heat.

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