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Angel P.O.V
I'm currently in my bosses office, she is extremely strict and if you do not follow her rules, you're as good as dead. "Didn't I tell you that you do not go after Senator. Herta", she yelled at me. I simply stood their and nodded my head, in case you're wondering I am an assassin.

I'm apart of a group of talented assassins, we are an underground group that only go after high risk targets. In the group we have different rankings based on our performance, there is 1,2,4,5, one being the lowest rank and five being the highest.  Some people wonder why there isn't a third rank, the simple answer is our boss, Ms.V just ever like the number 3.

"I only went after him because I had the perfect opportunity, he had no security with him and he was off guard", I said. "Your lucky you're one of the best assassin's we have here", she said shooing me away. As i walked out of her office I was faced with 31 people just like me, my best friend Diamond walked over to me and we started talking.

As we went to sit down at a table, we heard people talking about how we were going to join forces with another assassin group. "Wait, which group are we working together with?" asked Diamond.

"Members only", said Sam. I've only heard of them and from what I've heard they are ruthless. We nodded and walked away, for the rest of the day I couldn't stop thinking about the whole joining forces thing. I mean we've never met them.

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