twenty-three (THE DAY 2)

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Angel P.O.V

As I was looking at Anthony I noticed he was smirking, I raised an eyebrow in confusion. "Hey Angel you miss sir," he said laughing. I gave him a stone cold stare making sure no emotion was displayed in my eyes.

If he saw any of my emotion he will know my next move. "We can do this the easy way or the hard way," I said looking him in his eyes. I was trying to pierce through him to find any sort of emotion but nothing.

"Ha, what're you gonna do, your week even though I trained you to be the best you never and will never be the best." I looked at him while forming a fist with my hand. I wanted to kill him right now but I can't.

Before I could go at him I noticed Craig coming up behind him, we left Craig in the car. I knew I had to distract him, "are you sure I can't beat you?"

"Hell nawww, you ca-" right then Craig knocked him out. I sighed in relief and carried Anthony's body inside while everyone else outside who was alive followed.

Jahseh helped me tie him up, Pump had left Dwayne and Roberts son alive. As we looked at them tied up and unconscious, all we could think about is where are the hostages. All you could hear in the room was our heaving breathing.

About 25 minutes later Roberts son started waking up, we all stood up and watched him with a cold expression. Once he opened his eyes wide enough he noticed he was tied up.

He began to struggle, trying to get himself free. "STOP," yelled Ski. "What's your name?" I asked. He looked at me with a face of disgust and looked back at the ground.

"Answer her," Diamond said sternly. "Josh" he said shyly. "Oh ya I remember you, do you remember me," I asked acting innocently. He looked at my face and then my body, his eyes trailed all on me then his eyes opened wide.

"Angel," he said in disbelief I nodded my head smirking. "Fuck how the fuck did you escape. I was gonna own you, you were going to do all the cleaning the cooking. EVERYTHING."

As he said what he said I noticed all the boys jaws were clenched. a few seconds later,  Dwayne and Anthony woke up. "Shit, why did we have to get caught," said Dwayne not realizing the people in front of him.

"D look," Josh said to Dwayne. Dwayne lifted his head look at X then me. "Hey what's up long time never see," X said being. Dwayne looked at X closer, "wow you don't remember your own son."

"Jah..." Dwayne was about to say his real name but X shut him up by punching him in his face. "how the fuck did you meet her, you're not supposed to know," Dwayne said pointing towards me as blood leaked from his lip.

"you really think i wouldn't find out, wow you would've been better of dead," X said looking at him. "Just shut up already and let us go," said Anthony rolling his eyes.

"no you are going to shut up and only speak when being spoken to," Diamond yelled at him. "Angel, baby girl be a good girl and let sir go," he said looking at me with pleading and lying eyes.

I walked up close to him and looked him in the eye. He tried to get himself free but even if he did manage he will die anyway. I grabbed one of my blades it wasn't the sharpest but i'm not trying to kill him just yet.

I put the blade up against his neck and said, "now tell me where are the hostages." "I don't need to tell you shit," he hissed at me. I pressed the blade against his skin causing some blood to slide down his neck.

He hissed in pain as I stopped pressing on that spot. "Why the fuck do you even care  about them," Josh asked. "We have a job to make sure we stop you guys and that means saving them," said Coolie.

"Yeah and we have a job to kill them so..." he said rolling his eyes. "SPEAK," I yelled at Anthony. "I said I don't have to tell you anything, your nothing but an object for a man to use for his advantage. All you'll ever be is a slut, and when you ran away I lost millions of dollars."

"How is she a slut," Coolie, Craig, Isaiah, Pump, and X said at the same time.
"Well when she was 12 years old almost every week she would have a train ran on her," Anthony said laughing.

"Oh so it was that bad huh, why didn't you tell me," X asked me. As I was about to say something Anthony said, "Oh wait that's not all, she also enjoyed it."

I felt so embarrassed but what I felt the most was anger and resentment. X formed a fist with his hands and cleared his throat. Ski walked towards X and grabbed his hand before he could do anything but he was too late.

Jahseh P.O.V

When Anthony said that I got heated. I also wondered if Dwayne was one of them, just the thought alone made me 10 times angrier. I balled my fists because I wanted to breath these niggas to death but we need information.

I walked up to the softest out of all of them; Josh and pulled up a crate and Ski handed me the bag from around his waist. I slowly opened the bag in took the items out. As I pulled out the different items everyone's eyes went wide while Anthony, Dwayne, and Josh looked terrified.

In the bag I had various torturing devices I placed them in order from least painful to most painful. I pulled out this tool that you can use to removes toenails and fingernails.

"Now let's ask again,

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