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Angel P.O.V
So today was our day off so me and Diamond decided to chill at home for a little and maybe go to the beach or something. I was currently making some breakfast, I made bacon, eggs, and pancakes. Diamond came downstairs after taking a shower.

"You cocked all of this for me", said Diamond smirking. "No bitch it's for me and only me", I said swatting her hand away from the food. She frowned and said "No fair i'm hungryyyyyy". I fixed her a plate and gave it to her, she took it and thanked me. I fixed myself a plate, sat down on the island beside her and asked "you still wanna go to the beach".

She nodded and said we can leave 12:35pm, I nodded in agreement and went to clean up the kitchen. Diamond stopped me and offered to do it, she grabbed my plate and began to clean the kitchen. I walked upstairs to rest for 30 min before we go to the beach. I wonder if I should bring my little sister, I would have to go get her from my dads house though which would be a struggle but oh well, but it's worth a try.

Jahseh's P.O.V
Ski, Pump, Wifi, Coolie, Craig, Trunks and I were in the basement thinking of what to do. "The studio?"asked Trunks. "Nah", we all said. "What about the beach?" I asked. They nodded and agreed that we should leave at 1:00pm.

Everyone went home to get the stuff they'll need and also rest for about an hour. I was about to go to my room when I thought about my brother, I haven't seen him in 2 weeks. I put a shirt, some basketball shorts on, and my slides, I hopped in the car and drove to my moms house.

On my way I decided to go to the grocery store and get some stuff because I know my mom wouldn't have got any. I mean she might not even be home for all I know. Once I got to the store, I got some fruits, milk, orange juice, lunchables, snacks, box juices, water, and fruit snacks. I payed for everything and packed the stuff into the car and headed to my moms house.

When I got to my moms house, I went to the front door and twisted the handle and it opened. 'shit the door should be locked', I thought to myself. I went inside and the place was a mess, there was broken glass everywhere, dust on the floor and on the kitchen counter, there was no food in the fridge or the cabinets, and there was barely any light just 1 or 2 light bulbs that worked.

I looked for Aiden downstairs and didn't find him so I looked upstairs, I went into his room and he was there. His room was the only clean room in the house, it was bigger too because it used to be mine, he moved into it when I moved out. He was laying on the bed watching cartoons and drinking water.

Once he saw me he jumped up and ran towards me, I picked him up and gave him a hug. "Jah Jah I missed you", he said with joy. "I missed you too, where is Ma", I asked. He shrugged his shoulders "When was the last time you saw her", I asked. "Ummm maybe 3 days ago", he said with no expression.

I was in shock my mom, no scratch that CLEO left my brother home alone for 3 days. "I got some food for you", I said to Aiden. We both went to the car and grabbed all the groceries we took them to his room because he has a mini fridge in there and cabinets I put in his room. The reason all the food goes into his room is because my mom would eat all of his food and not replace it.

After, we talked for a little while, he told me about school and stuff. Yes he still goes to school, he packs his own lunch, goes to the bus stop and takes himself to school. Today he didn't go because it was a P.A day so he had to stay home, but tomorrow he's going to school. He rarely misses a day, because I always taught him that and education is important and that you should always take it seriously.

"Do you still have some money left over from the last time I came over", I asked. He nodded yes and went to go get it, I give him extra money to use for dinner and sometimes in case of emergencies. Last time a gave him $150, he hand me $30 back. "What did you spend it on", I asked. "Dinner almost every night for 2 weeks, there was a field trip at school and it was $25 because we went to the movies and the school payed for most of it, and I missed the bus one time so I had to get a taxi", Aiden said.

I nodded my head and took out my wallet, I opened it and there's was $300 in there so I gave it all to him and he put it away. I asked if he would like to go to the beach with me, he nodded and asked if he could bring his friend from across the street. I told him to get his stuff ready, then went to asked the kids mom. She said yes and the little boy came out with his stuff, me and his mom exchanged numbers. I got Aiden and we all got into the car.


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