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Angels P.O.V

"FUCK!!" yelled Jahseh causing our attention to be drawn towards him.

"what?" I questioned.

"We still don't know how the fuck she got through customs with a human in her suitcase," He said sighing after he spoke.

"She had to have had someone working on the inside to let her through," Pump said with Wifi agreeing.

"Craig and Coolie if you can please try and get into the FBI databases," I asked them.

"What the fuck. Why?"

"Because there's this thing that no one knows the real name of but people call it spring cleaning.

The FBI has it and basically, it's very deep and classified information about every person who live and or lived in America or have visited America for more than 1 month," I explained.

"Oh so if we get in we can find all these people and access information that their own moms don't even know," Ski said pointing at the pictures on the whiteboard.

"Ok we'll try," Craig said.

**1 hour later**

"Ok, so the woman registered for the motel under the alias Michelle Parker, when in fact her real name is Akane Okada. In 1997 she married a man from Ukraine and they lived in France.

Medical records show that during there 10-year marriage Akane made frequent trips to the ER mostly because of what she claimed were broken bones, scratches and bruises from falling," Craig informed.

"On less, she fell down the stairs so hard every other day then she's was being abused," Coolie interrupted.

"15 times out of her numerous ER visits a rape kit was performed on her and each time they have come back positive for rape.

Akane didn't want to press charges so no arrests were made. Her last ER trip showed that she was pregnant. Nurse reports said she seemed unhappy and displeased at the news and also asked about abortion or adoption," Craig concluded.

"So it's safe to say her husband was beating and raping her and ended up getting her pregnant. Wait are there records of them divorcing," I asked Coolie.

"He reported her missing on September 19th, 2010. He hasn't seen her since and now spends his time fucking bitches from the strip club, doing coke whilst having no job," Coolie responded.

"If Akane kept the baby then he/she will be around 18," Pump said causing us all to look at him in confusion.

"Nigga what the fuck," Diamond and Jah said.

"Pump what year are we in 2029. Like the fuck is wrong with you," Wifi said to him.

"Oh my fucking bad, it's not my fault that I dropped out in 9th grade," Pump said getting up from his seat and getting his water.

"It's exactly your fault but anyways."

"The child will be around 7/8 years old Pump," Ski told him.

"Did you find anything for the other people?"

"The Spanish guys' real name is Samuel Pérez and his wife the Italian's name is Rosa Cancio. They moved to the U.S in 2000. Rosa gave birth 14 times in the last 15 and a half years," Craig informed us.

"So one child after another, that means she was very rarely not pregnant. Check video surveillance if you see her pregnant," Diamond told Pump.

"There is also no record of the children being born," Coolie said.

"The hospitals probably have records from her prenatals. There are numerous reasons why there are no records of the births. One reason could be she killed them immediately after birth.

Another could be she gave birth at home and sold the children or put them in the sex trafficking ring. And finally, maybe her children got taken/stolen from her," I said.

"The second one is most likely because what woman would want to be pregnant for 14 years. Considering the contractions and how her body shape would change," said Diamond.

"So while you guys were talking I managed to find 2 of the guys and their names and stuff," said Craig.

"This man's name is Oscar Karlsson he is Swedish and is 39. He moved to the U.S in 2001 and joined the army in 2006," Craig pointed to the man.

"And the others name Liam Gognon he is Canadian but went to the U.S for 3-week vacation but never returned," Craig concluded pointing to a man with red hair.

**time skip**

It was now 10:39 pm and we decided to go home and return tomorrow. "Later, niggers," Jahseh told everyone.

"Aye bitch holds the fuck up," I heard Diamond. I turned around saw her and Ski running towards Jah and I.


"The investigators called and said they want to meet us at our house." Diamond informed us.

"Fuck, do they have bad or good news?" Jahseh asked.

"They didn't say," responded Ski.

"Alright well, I guess we have to go then," I sighed not wanting to think about this.

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