twenty-two (THE DAY)

83 11 1

Angel P.O.V

Today was the day where we will complete the assignment. Everyone woke up at the break of dawn and prepared themselves mentally for the day ahead of us.

We got all of our weapons 2 days earlier, everyone was strapped beyond capacity. We all changed into all black, literally everything we had on was black.

Since Diamond and I didn't want to mess up our hair plus mine isn't black we both put on long black lace fronts.

The whole time no one spoke but once we met up with everyone else pumps loud ass said, "we gonna kill them niggas." We all nodded our head and walked into the lobby.

A lot of people was staring at us I don't get it. "What's so weird about 8 people wearing all black and looking all mad and shit," I asked sarcastically.

Everyone laughed as we headed into the parking lot and got in the rented all black van. While Coolie drove Craig figured out exactly where we should go to kill these niggas.

We had to go to their hideout which was easy to find. On our way there Ski decided to be funny and played 'murder on my mind.' Surprisingly we all sang along but not in a goofy way but more of a sinister way.

When we got there, their were massive gates guarding the warehouse. Craig and Isaiah were able to bypass the gate and all other security in the warehouse. We left the van outside if the gates as we ran onto the property and took our positions.

We had to have plans when assassinating with a group. We were currently doing '1.0' our first plan, the thrill of hiding and killing powered us like gas in a car.

Pump had an expression I've never seen on his face; sinister. Everyone else had a similar expression. Our positions depended on our strengths, Ski, Isaiah, and Coolie were on snipers and out of site.

X was at the door of the warehouse so he can beat the shit outta any nigga that try sum. Pump and Diamond where on the outside of X keeping their distance in case  X needed help, which he will need.

I on the other hand was on top of the warehouse, I climbed up here bare hands and shit hurt. The point of me being on top is to be accessible to anyone that needs me. Whether it is Ski, Coolie, Isaiah, X, Diamond, or Pump i'll be there to help them.

I gave the signal(👋🏽☝🏽💨🖖🏽👈🏽🔫👐🏽) which basically meant X go threw and use a smoke grenade while Diamond and Pump follow with silencers. The snipers gave me a thumbs up showing they were ready.

I took a deep breath in while X busted through the doors throwing the grenade while we heard them cough. After the smoke cleared a little I heard shots being fired. I knew it was the men so I looked at Coolie to shoot through the windows to try and get a shot.

I heard someone cry out in pain, I'm guessing the other men realized that people were outside also. 4 men came including Anthony and Robert, I looked at the snipers and said (👏🏽✊🏽👆🏽👌🏽🤞🏽✌🏽) which mean take out the 3 in the front leaving me with Anthony.

In a blink of an eye Ski, Isaiah and Coolie successfully took out the 3 men. Anthony was trying to aim his gun at where the shots came from he couldn't find them. I jumped off of the warehouse, almost breaking my ankle but oh well.

I was now face to face with the person who tortured me and brought meto the break of death many times. I wanted to kill him so bad, I needed to kill him but that's not what I have to do.

All I had to do was capture him and bring him inside with the other guys Pump was gonna keep alive. This nigga is gonna get what he deserves.

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