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"Exam day is coming up in a month!" Iruka sensei announces when we all settle in our seats.

"Exam day?" I questioned, Ino (who was sat on the desk in front of mine) turned to me and smiled quickly.

"It's basically an exam that determines whether we graduate this year, or go for another year," she explains, "I'm certain you'll pass with that amazing kunai and shuriken throwing skills you've got."

"I guess..." I shrugged before Iruka clapped and started explaining things more thoroughly.

"We'll work on everyone's weaknesses," he starts, pulling out his clip board, "meaning... theory!"

The class complains and I lean back in my seat with a sigh. I know all this stuff already and I'm crazy bored of going through the same thing over and over and over.

Through the whole class, I just thought about the trigger. I don't think I'll be able to do much without one, it'll like a rock to help with emotional support. A shoulder to lean on? A friend?

"Y/n?" someone waved their hand in my face, I looked up to see Sasuke.

"You again?" I asked, pretty annoyed to see him. I looked around to see girls glaring at me like I just broke some kind of pact or something.

"Teach me," he demands. I stand up.

"I didn't tell you last time, but this time, I am saying no," I glared at him before stepping around my desk and his dumb face. He just pushes me and I barely manage to catch myself in the desks shadow and jump back up behind him.

"Idiot," I growled, he looked at me again, frowning, "I said no. Take the answer and go away, Sasuke Uchiha!"

I stretched his name out to show how annoyed I was.

"Fine. But you're my rival now," he declared before turning around and walking out the classroom, his lunch box hanging from his fingers.

"Well you're not mine," I said to nothing before looking for my bag to realise I'd left it at home, "I'm such an idiot."

"What's up?" Shikamaru asked, approaching me with two boxes.

"It would seem I've forgotten my bag," I shrugged, he raised a brow before raising one of the boxes.

"Your fathers on a mission so my mum has said she's making you lunch until he returns. It's a total drag and I could think of dozens of other things to do, but I'm your lunch box mail man for now," he tells me, I took the box and nodded.

"Y/n! Come sit with us!" Choji exclaimed, swinging his arm around Shikamaru's neck and smiling a wide grin, I nod and pull out a deck of cards from my pocket.

"Feel like a rematch?" I asked. Shikamaru smiled and nodded.

"I will beat you this time, for sure," he tells me. We all move to where he and Choji sit and started eating. I was sat on one side of the desks surface, while Shikamaru was sat on the other side and Choji was sat on the bench looking up at us as we ate and set up the card game.

"Alright rock, paper, scissors to see who draws first?" I suggested, he nodded and we played a round. He beat me with scissors to paper.


"Ha! ha! I do believe that I won again," I smile proudly at my fourth win. The whole class was watching our card game by the time we hit the second round.

"Whoa-- y/n you might just be smarter than Shikamaru," Choji says surprised.

"Nah- everyone has something they're good at, and something they're bad at. Like, I'm good at games like these, but I'm too lazy to play sports so I'm pretty bad at them," I tell him, placing the cards together into a stack again.

"Alright everyone! To your seats! Chop chop now!" Iruka shouts as he enters the room. We all move to our seats and I go straight to sleep.

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