Chapter 4

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Months passed and soon the next shooting is started about 2 weeks.

Clari and Diego were kept contact the whole time on phone but they hardly could meet up since Diego was living in the other side of the country when there was no filming but she met some of the girls sometimes.

When all the cast met up again everyone was happy to see each other.

- Clari!! Cande!! - shouted Tini happily when she noticed the two girl coming in to the studio and they hugged. Later on Mercedes, Alba, Samuel, Jorge, Lodo and everyone else joined as well.

Then the others came too. Alfredo and Diego hugged Clara at the same time.

- Oh my! - she giggled - Hello, guys! It's nice to see you!

- I've missed you so much, girl! - said Diego happily and even he got a bit embarrassed as well.

- I've missed you too - she smiled.

- Hey! Don't forget about me too! - said Alfredo happily.

- And I missed you as well, Alfredo!

- That's better! - he laughed.

- Are you ready for the new season? - asked Diego - Are you ready for me being the stupid German again?

- Yes! I am ready! - Clari laughed as she kissed his cheek.

- Hehe... That's good be interesting!

It was indeed interesting. They were playing even better at the first scenes than they did the last time and the director noticed that too.

- What were you two doing in the break? - he asked jokingly.

- Eh? What do you mean? - questioned Diego back surprised.

- You two were acting... No... It seemed to be so real!

- Well... This is why we're actors - said Clari when she saw Diego was nervous.

- And close friends! - Diego added, Clari nodded.

- Keep on this good work!


- Thanks for the save... - said Diego.

- No problem! - Clari giggled - Why were you so nervous?

- I... don't know...

When Clari left him alone Alfredo came up to him.

- Are you sure you don't know? - he asked.

- Alfredo... You're no longer Ramallo, you know...

- I know... But we're still friends... so if there's something up with you... tell me!

Diego rubbed the back of his head awkwardly then sighed.

- Honestly... I really don't know... I feel weird inside... if you know what I mean...

- I'm not sure... But I guess I know... - said Alfredo then grinned - You like her, don't you?

- I always liked her!

- No... I mean on the deeper way... You LOVE her!

- S-Shut up, Alfredo! - groaned Diego nervously - Even if it would be true I'm not suitable for her. She's better than I am.

- Don't be silly!

Then Tini appeared and hugged Diego, Alfredo left.

- Is there... something wrong? - he questioned confused.

- No! But I haven't got the chance to hug you yet! - she said, smiling.

- Oh? Well... if that's the problem... - he smirked then wrapped his arms around her and hugged her tightly.

The scene(s): Angie and Jeremias (German) sings together and later on they almost kiss in the teachers room.

They were standing there, staring into each others eyes. Jeremias was leaning in to kiss Angie when the director shouts:

- Cut!

But they were keep staring each other.

- This style looks pretty good on you... - said Clari after a while of staring with a smile.

Diego tried to keep his poker face but didn't work and burst out laughing.

- Was it that funny? - she asked, now laughing too.

- Yes, it was - he laughed.

- Well, I'm glad then - she smiled.

- Are you two coming or not??

Suddenly Ezequiel appeared between them and pulled them to the cafeteria.

New scene: Angie sings Algo se enciende in the Studio, feeling sad because of German while he's watching her as Jeremias.

Clari was really into the song and she didn't even heard the director when he shouted "Cut!".

Diego walked beside her and gently tapped her shoulder.

- Are you okay? - he asked.

- Ah... uh... Yeah, I'm fine - she nodded hesitantly and not even looking at him.

He sighed then stood in front of her, lifted her chin up and looked into her eyes.

- .... Now should I repeat what German usually tell to Angie whenever she's crying or will you tell me what's wrong?

Clari looked into his big brown eyes and she gave in.

- Fine... But can't we take a walk while talking? I'm afraid someone else could hear what I want to say... - she muttered and he quickly understood what she meant.

- Alright. Then let's go! - he smiled.

They went out for a walk around the nearby park and sat down to a bench.

- That song... - Clari finally started - It really reminded me of him how he broke my heart and... I just... hardly can get over it... - she said, now shaking.

Seeing her shaking Diego pulled her into his arms and hugged her.

- He doesn't deserve your tears... - he whispered softly while caressing her head.

After a few moment she smiled and looked up at him.

- Aren't you afraid... that someone might see us like this? - she asked a bit jokingly.

- Seeing me with a beautiful angel like you? No... absolutely not... - he winked which made Clari blush.

- Idiot.... - she chuckled.

- Now... - he smiled - Shall we go back? And don't think about Dominguez too much, okay? It will just make you sad again.

- Alright... And thank you!

Diego just nodded then they both headed back to the Studio together.

Friendship turns to love (A Dielari R. fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now