Chapter 27

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- Look behind you... - said the mysterious voice in the phone and as soon as Clari looked behind she wanted to scream, but couldn't.

- My god... - she muttered, everyone looked confused when she jumped up from Diego's lap and screamed - Dad!

Everyone looked at the direction where Clari ran off and suddenly Angelica began to cry too.

It was indeed Clari's dad, Damien. He was in a suit too.

- Dad! - she cried.

- Easy now... - laughed Damien while hugged her back gently.

- How?! I thought you were... you were... - she stuttered while still hugging her dad.

- Dead? Yeah... I thought I'm gonna die there too... But I was lucky there... But enough about me... How are you doing, my angel?

- I can't be better than now! Ah, and mom is here too!

Damien froze for a moment, but when he saw Angelica coming closer to him he walked up to her too, hugged her then kissed her.

- Angelica... My love... - he whispered.

- Damien... You're alive... - she stuttered, crying.

- Yes... And I'm not going anywhere now...

- That's good...

Meanwhile the whole cast looked at them confused when Clari turned back to them and started explaining.

- Well guys... This is my dad... - she muttered, still a bit shocked.

- I've already met some of them before... - said her dad who came up behind her - And I met Diego too before...

- Yes and it's nice to see you again, Sir - said Diego and they shook hands.

- Yeah... Same to you and just call me Damien - he smiled and Diego nodded.

- You never told me to call you Damien when I was with your daughter! - snapped Dominguez from the back.

- It's because I never thought you can be good enough for her - said Damien calmly - But I know Diego IS good enough... - he continued, now looking at Diego - I heard and saw how good care you're taking for her...

- I'm trying my best - he smiled while hugged Clari gently.

- I know... I've seen the whole scene before I called - said Damien, smiling and the couple blushed deeply - I can tell by looking at you two... that you really are in love with each other... - he added with a happy smile on his face.

Suddenly the director shouted:

- Back to the scene!!

And everyone went back to get ready for the shooting while Damien, Angelica and Andrea went to sat down somehwere nearby so they can see what their kids are doing and later they decided to go out for a dinner together.

They were all so happy and Damien told them about what happened with him in the past months when he couldn't contact with Clari and anyone else.

Going back to the hotel and Clari collapsed on the bed, tired.

- This was a long day, huh? - smiled Diego.

- It was... But I can't be happier! - she replied with a massive grin on her face.

- I'm glad... - he smiled - And you'll be happier tomorrow... - he added to himself while grinning.

The next day everything went as always.

- Cut! - shouted the director once again before they took a longer break.

- Well, Diego... - Alfredo stepped beside his friend.

- Well what? - he asked.

- When will you do it?

- Ramallo... - Diego groaned - I mean Alfredo...

- Ramallo will be good too... - he joked.

- Fine... And back to your question... You'll see - Diego winked.

Later they were shooting a wedding scene.

- German Castillo, will you take Priscilla Ferro as your lawful wedded wife? - asks the priest.

Everyone was looking at German, waiting for an answer and Angie was more sad than ever.

German instead of answering he was looking at Angie....

- I... Can't... - German stuttered.

Everyone gasps.

- Cut! - shouted the director and everyone sighed deeply and was about to leave when Diego stopped them.

- Guys, wait a bit, please...

Everyone turned to look at him....

- I need to say something while everyone's here... Because everyone should know it... - he began, everyone looked at him, confused - Clari... come here, please... - he smiled.

She walked up to him, confused as well.

- What is it? - she asked.

He held both of her hands and looked into her eyes while he continued...

- You know how much I love you, right? - he asked softly.

- Aww! - sighed everyone at the same time.

- Of course... - she smiled - And I love you too...

- I'm glad... - he smiled then took a deep breath and continued - Because I have something important to ask of you...

Clari looked confused at him for a long moment until he let go of her hands and bent down on one knee right in front of her.

People around them gasped again and Clari was about to cry.

- You are the best thing that could ever happen to me... - Diego said - Since I first saw you I fell in love with you and I know, I can be really annoying and an asshole too sometimes, but you can always deal with it pretty easily and this is just one thing that I love in you the most...

After a huge sigh he took out a little box from his pocket and continued...

- Maria Clara Alonso... Would you make me the happiest man on the Earth and marry me?

Friendship turns to love (A Dielari R. fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now