Chapter 15

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Later on the shooting Carla was again trying to tell Diego about her feelings but it didn't really work.

- Carla, listen... - he said, calmly - You're a wonderful woman... And I love you but only as a friend...

- Why...? How is she better than me?! - questioned Carla upsetly.

- Who?

- Come on! Don't play dumb with me! I'm talking about Clara!

- She's not better than anyone... But my heart have chosen many years ago... When I first met her.

- It's just not fair! - she cried and Diego hugged her.

This was the moment when Clari and Mehmet was walking there and heard the conversation.

- Poor dear... - he sighed.

- This could be your chance - said Clari - Let's greet them!

- W-Wait...!

But Clari didn't listen, just pulled him with her and stopped beside them.

- Hey, guys! - she said happily.

- Hello, Clari - smiled Diego.

- I'm off! - groaned Carla and was about to leave when Mehmet grabbed her arm - What is it now??

- Would you mind me join you? - he asked her, smiling softly.

- Well... No... You can come... - she muttered.

- Atleast we can get to know each other more - he added with a wink and that made Carla blush.

- O-Okay... - she muttered then they both walked off.

After a moment of silent Diego turned to Clari.

- What the hell was that?! - he asked.

- What do you mean? - she laughed.

- Wasn't he just flirting with YOU the other day??

- He was... But then he saw her. He told me that he wants to get to know her - she explained - I don't know exactly what is he planning after that but that's already his business.

- I see... - he muttered - Well... hopefully they'll get along...

- Mehmet is a nice person... and I think Carla will notice that too sooner or later.

- Nice person, huh?

- Yes, but... what's with the sarcastic voice? - Clari asked and crossed her arms.

- N-Nothing... - he stuttered, avoiding eye contact.

Clari turned his face to her and looked into his eyes.

- Liar... you're jealous again.

- H-How did you...?

- I know you - she winked.

Diego sighed then pulled her to him by her waist.

- Yes, you do... - he smirked - And do you know what I want to do right now?

- I'm not sure... - she grinned.

- Then I'll show you... - he giggled then leaned in and kissed her lips softly.

- Hmm... That was good - Clari blushed.

- I know... I'm the best kisser... am I right? - he winked.

- Yes, you are... - she smiled.

- Have any plan for tonight?

- Nope. Why do you ask?

- I'd like to take you out for dinner. So? What do you say?

- Oh? Well, I say alright - Clari giggled.

- That's good. Then let's meet outside after the shooting.

Later that day Clari was with Tini and Lodo when Dominguez came up to them.

- Can I talk to you for a minute? - he asked.

- Sure - she nodded.

When they were alone...

- Now tell me the truth... Are you and Ramos together?

- Need a truth? Then I say yes! So what?

- But Clari...

- But what?!

- I love you... you can't do this to me... - Dominguez moaned.

- I loved you as well... But then you started flirting with others... - growled Clari.

- That time I thought you had feelings for him and I was desperate!

- What?! - she snapped.

At the same time Diego and Jorge was walking nearby and Jorge noticed Clari with Dominguez.

- What is he up to again? - he murmurred.

- Who? - asked Diego.

- Dominguez... - said Jorge as he pointed at the direction where he saw them.

- This guy just can't take a "no" as an answer, can he...

- Seems like it - sighed Jorge - What do you want to do about it?

- I don't know... But there's one thing that I'm totally sure of... - said Diego with a smile.

- And what is it?

- That I trust Clari... And I know she doesn't believe him whatever he says.

Even though he said that he was still upset about it.

- Dominguez! Do you even know what does a relationship even mean?! - snapped Clara angrily - Do you even know what does it mean when you tell someone you love that person?!! That means you have to be loyal to the person and be on her side whenevr she needs it... I was always there for you... supporting you... But what did you do??

- I... I... - he stuttered.

- Wait... I'll help you... You left me and went to some other girls when I needed your support! You were flirting while I was filming...

- I was scared that I'm gonna lose you over... over HIM...

- Over who? Over Ramos??

- Yes!

- I swear to god you're more stupid than ever! - she rubbed the back of her neck.

- But I was right!

- No, you wasn't! You lost me because of you stubborness! You cheated on me and I threw you out! I'm not gonna take any more of this!

- But...

- No more buts! He cared about me when you didn't... he was there for me when you wasn't... and this lead me to fall in love with him... There are no secrets in this... - said Clari - You better accept it... or just leave me alone...

- C-Clari...

- He was always nice to me... Since we first met we were close friends and we cared about each other deeply... He always made me happy and now he makes me happy even more... There's nothing more to explain...

She then walked away, leaving the shocked Dominguez behind her but this was something she wanted to do for so long now.

Friendship turns to love (A Dielari R. fanfic)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ