Chapter 28

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Everyone looked shocked by what was just happening in front of their eyes.

- .... Would you make me the happiest man on the Earth and marry me? - asked Diego while looking up at Clari and a beautiful diamond ring in his hand.

- No, no... Please, say no - thought Dominguez, but he knew this won't really work.

- Yes... Yes!! - Clari cried out in happiness and everyone else around them cheered.

- No! Damnit!

Meanwhile Diego stood up, slipped the ring on her finger then hugged her tightly and spin her around in happiness before kissing her on the lips passionately.

- No way! - suddenly Dominguez moaned out loud, but no one really heard that except Damien, who looked clodly at him.

- Accept the fact that you weren't good enough for her - he said with an evil grin on his face then stepped forward to his daughter and her fiance - Diego...

He put her down then turned around to face him.

- Yes, Sir?

- I have only want thing to ask of you - he started

- And what is it? - asked Diego.

- It's easy... To take a good care of my beautiful daughter... - he replied while kissing Clari on her forehead.

- I will... - Diego smiled as he looked at them.

- That's good - Damien smiled contentedly as he watched his daughter hugging Diego.

- They will be fine, don't worry... - said Angelica as she stepped beside him.

- I know... But I can't help it - he sighed - I haven't seen her for so long and now she's getting married...

- She's a grown woman - she smiled.

- I know, I know... And I'm so proud... - he muttered with tears in his eyes.


- Dear god... You just did it... - muttered Clari, still crying in happiness.

- Yeah... I can't believe it either - smiled Diego while hugging her gently.

- He was planning this for some time now already - said Alfredo beside them - He was so worried too.

- Worried? Why? - she looked up at her fiance, confused.

- I didn't know... if this'd be too fast for you... And maybe you'd say no... - he replied quietly.

- I'd be the stupidest person if I'd say no! - Clari giggled before kissing him again softly - I love you and I'm glad you did it...

- Well then, future Mrs. Ramos... You better be ready to bear my stupidness for the rest of your life - he whispered between her lips with a huge grin across his face.

- I'm all ready, Mr. Ramos - she smiled while looking up into his big, brown eyes that could always make her melt.

- Glad to hear it - he smirled as he wrapped his arms around her waist - Because I love you... so much...

- I love you too... - she smiled while wrapped her arms around his neck.

Later, that night...

- Remeber when last night you said you can't be happier? - said Diego as he climbed in the bed beside Clari.

- Yeah... But I think I need to change on that... - she giggled as she snuggled up to him - NOW I can't be happier than I am right now... I have my dad back... and I have my amazing boyfriend next to me who soon will be my husband...

 - I'm glad... - he smiled while caressed her cheek softly - I'll do my best to make you the happiest woman on the Earth... I promise....

- I know you will...


- My god, you look beautiful, my dear! - said Angelica happily as she walked into her daughter's hotel room.

They were getting ready for the wedding. She already had her beautiful white dress on while her friends were also around her, helping her.

- Thank you, mom - Clari smiled as she stood up to hug her mother who was now crying.

- I can't believe you're getting married now... I'm so happy for you...

Now Clari's father Damien came in and stood there, shocked for a moment before walked up to his daughter and gave her a hug too.

- You're gorgeous, darling - he said.

- Thank you... - she smiled - I'm still a bit worried though...

- Why?! - asked everyone at the same time.

- ... What if he... he changes his mind or something...

- That's not possible - said Tini next to her - I talked to him a few hours ago and he's just as excited as you are! He won't change his mind!

- I agree with that - said Damien - Remember... he's not Dominguez... He won't leave you because he loves you.

Everyone else just nodded and this made Clari calm down instantly.

Meanwhile Diego had the same problem...

- You need to calm down, Diego... - said Alfredo.

- But what if she doesn't want to be my wife anymore?! - asked Diego pretty upset.

- I don't think that's possible - smiled his mother Andrea while fixing his tie - She loves you and she wouldn't say no to you..

- I agree... - nodded Alfredo in agreement and smiled.

Diego suddenly pulled both his mother and Alfredo into a hug.

- Okay, okay... Just don't do this when everyone else's around us too - said Alfredo, smiling a bit.

An hour later or so everyone and everything was in place. Diego was standing at the altar and he was so nervous. He was nervous until he finally saw Clari coming. As soon as he saw her his nervousness disappeared.

When she was finally beside him he just couldn't stop smiling and so couldn't she.

They were staring into each other's eyes while the priest was talking.

- Maria Clara Alonso, do you take Diego Cesar Ramos as your lawful wedded husband? - asked finally the priest.

- I do - she replied.

- Diego Cesar Ramos, do you take Maria Clara Alonsoas your lawful wedded wife?

- I do - he smiled.

The priest was about to continue and he was in halfway with his speech, but the couple were already kissing in front of him so he just crossed his arms and said:

- Well then... Everyone, greet Mr. and Mrs. Ramos... - he said with a huge happy smile across his face and everyone started clapping happily as well.

Well, that was the end of this book. I hope everyone was satisfied with it and liked it :)

I don't know if this book will have a sequel... If I get any idea I sure will write it down! But until then thank you so much for all the votes and comments you wrote here! I always appreciate everything you do and say! :) 💕

Friendship turns to love (A Dielari R. fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora