Chapter 18

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- Anyway... Did you meet your new future partner? - Clari questioned after a while just hugging into each other.

- Not yet. Who is it? - he said.

- If I remember correctly her name is Florenzia Ortiz. and I must admit she's really pretty and...

- And married - Diego said, finishing her sentence.

- Wait, what?! - she snapped - Really?

- Yes, really. I know her for some time now and I know she's married and she has a beautiful daughter as well.

- Oh!

- You seemed a bit jealous for a moment there - Diego joked while caressing her cheek softly.

- I would deny it but I don't see the point of doing that... - she laughed awkwardly - Yes... I felt jealous and not only for a moment...

- That's perfectly fine, my dear... - he smiled - Since I was also jealous and I also had no reason to be.

- Yeah... that's true - Clari giggled.

 - I'd never leave you for someone else...

- Even if the person is better than me...?

- There's no one better than you for me... - he whispered before kissing her on the lips softly.

- Thank you... it means a lot to hear... - she smiled and blushed softly - And also feel..

- I've been waiting for the moment when I can kiss you without any cameras around us and also waited for the moment when I can call you "my girlfriend"... I'm not gonna throw it away for anything or anyone!

- Damnit... - she muttered, looking away - Stop being so cute!

- I should've say that! - he laughed.

- I love you... - Clari said, smiling happily - I'll miss you so much when I'll be away...

- I love you too and I'll miss you more for sure... - he sighed - How long will you be away exactly?

- I'm not sure... As long as my mother needs my help...

- I see...

- But this is not forever so I'll be back... For the next season's filming for sure!

- I know but it's still will be too long time... away from you... - Diego muttered while pulling her into his arms gently.

 - We'll survive this... We have to... - Clari said, holding his hand.

Later, that day Diego met Florenzia they seemed to be happy to see each other so they decided to have a little talk together with Clari too.

- Oh! So you two are together now! I didn't know that! I wouldn't guess it to be honest... - joked Flor.

- Why so? - asked Clari getting bit frustrated.

- Come on, girl! Just look at you! Then look at him! - Clari was confused when Flor continued - You're more better than he is!

- Hey, hey! - Diego interrupted grumpily - I'm here too, you know!

After a few moments of silent the two women began to laugh.

- Well... atleast Clari doesn't feel bad... - he thought to himself as he smiled at them.

In the evening they were about to leave:

- So I hope you don't mind me working with Diego as German's girlfriend - said Flor.

- No!... I don't mind - said Clari, faking a smile - Of course I do but what can I do about it? - she thought.

Then Diego came with Alfredo.

- Shall we go, my lady? - smiled Diego at Clari.

-Sure - she nodded happily - But is it okay to leave you alone here, Flor? - she asked, turning to her again.

- That's fine. My husband is gonna be here in any moment!

And just as she said it a car stopped near them.

- Ah, here he is! See? - she giggled - Well... Have a good night! - she said then got in the car and they left.

Then Diego also left with Clari and Alfredo. They took their friend home first then they went to Clari's and they spend the rest of the night together.

Soon the time has come and Clari had to leave Bueno Aires to help her mother in Madrid.

There was one thing that Clari didn't tell to Diego either to anyone else: She went to help her mother because they were about to look after what happened exactly with her father's military team, why did that happen and if her father's still alive or not.

Clari didn't want to tell him this because she was afraid if she tells him she wouldn't be able to hold her tears back and Diego would want to go with her too.

She was now saying her goodbyes to her friends from the cast.

- Be careful while you're away! - said Florenzia Benitez who was playing Jade's role and hugged Clari tightly.

- That's so weird to see... - giggled Alfredo, not so far away from them.

- Don't be so childish! - growled Mirta as she poked him on the side.

- Sorry, sorry! - he laughed.

- Hurry back to us!! - said Tini and she hugged Clari too.

- I will - Clari smile as she returned the hugs.

- Don't forget about us too! - said Lodo and Cande as they both joined to the hug with Ezequiel, Jorge, Alfredo, Mirta, Rodrigo and with almost everyone else.

- Thank you so much, guys! This means a lot... - said Clari happily.

And the next they she went to the airport with Diego.

- Well... it's time to go... - he sighed.

- Yeah... But we can call each other or Skype or whatever you want to - she smiled, trying to cheer him up but didn't really work.

- I know and I'll call you every night! - he said, smiling a bit.

- Alright.. And I'll call you as well - she smiled too.

- Take a good care of your mother and everything in Madrid... I'll be here, waiting for you...

Clari smiled then pulled him closer and kissed him on the lips lovingly.

- I love you... - she whispered after breaking the kiss - I'll come back for you...

- I love you too - he smiled, now a bit happier - And I can't wait to work with you... and be with you again...

After this she went up to the plane and she left Buenos Aires.

As soon as Diego was the plane leaving he decided to go to work so he won't be sobbing around.

When he was outside he saw Alfredo, standing next to his car.

- What are you doing here? - Diego asked him.

- I was just coming to see if she left already.

- She did...

- I see.. Where do you wanna go now?

- To the shooting. Atleast while I'm working I have no time to be sad...

- Alright and don't be sad... She'll come back - Alfredo smile sympatchetically at his friend before getting into the car and leaving the airport together.

Friendship turns to love (A Dielari R. fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now