Chapter 20

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Everyone was shocked after Diego's confession.

- Is that true what he said? - questioned Angelica from her daughter.

- Yes... It is true, mom - said Clari calmly.

- Why did you tell me earlier?! - Angelica was now jumping up from where she was sitting and went to hug her daugher tightly.

- I... didn't really find the right moment to tell you...

- Right moment, huh? - she laughed - I'm happy for you, dear! As long as you're happy of course!

- I am happy... I can't be happier... - Clari muttered, smiling happily.

- After this I'm not surprised at all.

- Me either - laughed Flor.

- But I am surprised! - said suddenly Alex - I thought we had something!

- We never had anything... - groaned Clari - We're only friends... nothing more.

- Fine... - he sighed.

- My dear... How long have you two been together? And when did you and Dominguez break up? - questioned Angelica.

- I broke up with Dominguez for more than a year now... And I'm together with Diego for... for three months already... and he's so nice and loving...

- They're too cute together, I must admit! - said Flor jokingly - But it's good to see you so happy!

- I just can't wait to see him again... - muttered Clari, smiling.

Later when Clari was alone began to call Diego...

- Hello! - he said in a tired voice.

- Diego! - she almost screamed.

- Clari?! Hey!

His voice was now excited.

- I saw the interview...

- Oh!

- Thank you... - Clari said in a shaky voice. She was now tearing up - You have no idea how much you surprised me...

- I hope pretty much - he giggled - And I meant every words I said there... I miss you every day... I want to hug you and kiss you again and know you're beside me...

- Diego... I love you so much... you know that, right?

- I do... And I love you too so much!

- I'll be back home very soon... I promise - she smiled - Then I won't leave you anymore...

- I hope so!

That evening, in Buenos Aires:

- I want her by my side... And I'll make sure when she comes back that I won't lose her! - said Diego to Alfredo when they were in a restaurant.

- What are you planning to do? - he asked, curiously.

- I think you know what I'm thinking about now... - smirked Diego as he gave a mysterious look to his friend who understood right away.

- Are you sure you want to do that?

- I'm not sure in anything right now but one... That I love her and I want to be with her! All I hope is that she feels the same way...

- She does... - Alfredo smiled - Atleast after what you've told me I'm sure she does feel the same way... So you don't need to worry.

Diego just nodded, even though he was still so nervous.

Few days later Clari went out to the store to buy some things for her mom.

The weather was perfect so she decided to walk to the store and meanwhile admire the view and everything.

As she was walking a riporter suddenly caught her in the middle of the street.

- Clara, Clara! - he almost screamed.

- Damnit... - she thought - Hey! - she said, faking a smile.

- We were waling and filming around here and I was wondering if you'd give us an interview - he said, smiling.

Clari thought they were probably looking for her or Florenzia who was here to see her relatives.

- Alright, why not... But be quick because my mother's waiting for me at home! - she said.

- We'll be quick! Just a few question we have!

- "A few question" almost always means "a lot"... but alright - said Clari sarcastically.

- We'll be quicky because I need to see my mom too - murmurred the riporter quietly.

A few minutes later the got into it and the riporter was asking her pretty much about working and personal stuff too but Clari was only answering to those questions that weren't too personal.

Meanwhile in Buenos Aires Diego's phone started ringing and it was Tini.

- If you're near the TV check the channel 3 now! - she said excitedly.

Diego was confused but he did as she said and he saw Clari on the TV so he decided to listen up and see what's she saying there.

- ... And what about the message you got a few days ago? - questioned the riporter.

- He probably thinks about me... - thought Diego.

- Hm? Oh, you mean what Diego Ramos said? - asked Clari, now smiling softly.

- Yes! Was it really true what he said??

- Yes, it is - she replied calmly, still smiling - He loves me just as I do love him... He is a true friend and a faithful lover...

- Aww, that's cute! And have any reply back to that message maybe?

- I've already replied to him in private but... I think he desrves a similar message too - Clari smiled then took a deep breath and continued - I don't know what else I could say... I miss you so much and I promise I'll go back to Buenos Aires as soon as I can... to be with you again... I love you! I love you and when I go back we'll be together again!

Diego was smiling like crazy now after seeing his beloved talking in the TV freely about their relationship. He was happy that she was talking about them happily and he wanted to see her so bad in person but he was understanding that she had to be with her mother and support her.

Friendship turns to love (A Dielari R. fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now