Chapter 9

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Diego kissed Clari in front of the whole hospital after singing a song together. Everyone was cheering for them happily. Diego's mother was also happy just as much as Helen.

- I-I'm sorry... - Diego whispered after breaking the kiss - I know I should've...

Clara cut him off by kissing him on the lips.

He was quite surprised but didn't pull away.

After a few minutes the broke the kiss and just looked at each other then they both smiled.

- That was good... - muttered Diego.

- Yeah... it was... - agreed Clari.

Later when they went back together to Andrea's room.

- My dears... that was amazing! - she said happily - You made everyone excited with that kiss too!

Diego and Clari suddenly blushed.

- It was good one after that beautiful song! Just as beautiful when it was in the show!

- There's only one thing that different... - said Diego - This wasn't acting... from me atleast... - he admitted while looking at Clari with half eyes.

- Well... I wasn't acting either... - said Clari as she smiled at him.

He was now blushing even harder.

After that none of them brought the kiss up.

At night Diego took Clari home again.

- Thank you for everything... - said Diego, smiling.

- It's nothing really... - Clari smiled as well.

- And sorry for... for kissing... kissing you like that...

- No... Don't say sorry... - she shaked her head. Diego looked confused so she continued - I... must admit... I liked it... - she said, blushing slightly.

- R-Really?

- Yes...

- Well... Then I hope you'll like this too... - he smiled as he moved closer to her, held her face with both hands and kissed her lightly on the lips.

- Wow... - she sighed with a huge smile on her face after the kiss.

- Sleep tight... - he winked.

- I sure will... - she giggled and after they waved goodbye to each other they both went their own ways.

On the next day before Clari was about to go to the hospital she got a phonecall from Tini.

- Did you checked Twitter since yesterday?? - she asked, sounding excited.

- No, I didn't... But what happened?

- I should be the one asking that! Just check the lastest posts!

- Okay, okay... calm down!

A few minutes later she understood why was Tini so excited. Not just Twitter but almost like the whole internet was filled with posts about her and Diego.

- What the... "Germangie is real!!" "Totally in love!!" "Germangie forever!!" - Clari read as she was still on the phone with Tini.

- Yes! What is this all about? And the pictures?!

Clari began to blush violently and smiling at the same time.

- Well... that's a bit... long story... - she muttered.

Friendship turns to love (A Dielari R. fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now