Chapter 25

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Another two weeks passed when they needed to travel for the next scenes shooting and everyone was allowed to take one more person with them of they wanted to so the couple decided to take their mothers with then too.

On the plane everyone was so excited because they were first going to Sevilla then later on to Rome.

Both Clari and her mother loved Rome and even though the cast just started working in Sevilla them two were already excited for Rome.

Clari and Diego got one room together while the mothers got another one because they also became close friends thanks to their kids.

The first night....

- I'm so glad that we're all here! - said Clara happily.

- Me too... - smiled Diego as he wrapped his arms around her waist from behind - And being with you in the same room for the next month is just like a dream... - he added as he kissed her neck softly.

- Leaving Dominguez behind and getting together with you was the best decision of my life... - Clari added while turned around to face him, she then placed her hand on his cheek.

- I love you, beautiful... you know that, right? - he smiled warmly as he kissed her hand.

- I do... And I love you too... - she smiled back then kissed him softly on the lips.

- Very good, very good - he smirked as he picked her up and layed her down on the bed - Now.. Don't think that I'm gonna let go of you tonight!

- You better not... - she giggled before kissing him again passionately and he did the same.

 The next few days they weren't shooting yet so the cast went to sightseeing, shopping and whatever came to their mind.

While Clari was exploring Sevilla with the girls Diego stayed with the boys and was talking to Alfredo on the following day.

- So, do you know when will you do it? - he asked.

- In Rome... - Diego replied - It's her favorite city...

- I see.

- What are you two planning?

Suddenly Rodrigo appeared between them.

- Nothing! - said both Diego and Alfredo at the same time.

- I know you both are lying to me. I heard everything... almost.

- What did you hear? - asked Diego.

- That you want to do something with Clara... Now tell me what's up!

- Fine, but you have to be quiet about it, okay?

- Okay!

Then Diego explained his plan to Rodrigo who listened quietly.

- Wow... I never thought once you would get married though! - said Rodrigo after he listened his friend's plan.

- I never did either... But now I want to and I just hope... that she'll say yes - murmurred Diego.

- Well, good luck, buddy! And don't worry.. I'm not gonna tell her! - Rodrigo smiled.

- Thank you...


- Aaaand? How are you and Diego?? - questioned Merchi excitedly from Clari.

- We're doing just fine... - she replied happily.

- Just fine, huh? - Tini smirked.

- Sheesh... What do you want me to say? - Clari laughed.

- For example that when will you two get married? - said Lodo.

- A-Aren't you in a bit of a hurry?? - Clari blushed deeply.

- I don't think so! - she giggled.

- He didn't propose me yet... But I don't mind... All I want is to be with him and nothing else! And if he wants to propose me then I will say yes... - Clari said with a smile.

Later that day the girls went to go shopping but Merchi left to make a phone call which was true, but no one really know that she was calling Diego.

- Well? What did she say? - Diego asked, sounding pretty desperate.

- You have nothing to worry about... She loves you and you should do it - she replied with a smile.

- Okay, I'll do it then... - he muttered.

Diego was more upset then ever. He was upset about the proposal and also if she says yes or not but she was truly hoping that Clari will agree to marry him.

Friendship turns to love (A Dielari R. fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now