Chapter 23

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On the next day Clari and Diego had a dinner together with their mothers and surprisingly the two lady quickly became friends that night. They had a really good time together while the couple were trying to answer as many questions from them as possible. They just couldn't be happier than now. Atleast Clari thought that.

When the dinner ended Diego took both Clari and her mother home.

- Thank you for tonight - said Angelica happily - It was nice to get to know you, Diego!

- I was glad to see you as well, Angelica - said Diego, smiling then he turned to Clari and kissed her cheek - And I'm always happy to spend time with you, beautiful.

- And me too - Clari smiled.

After they said their goodbyes to each other and went home....

- She's a really nice girl, my boy... - said Andrea.

- She is... - Diego nodded.

- I wonder why didn't you propose to her yet... - she added teasingly but he just looked at her and smiled - Wait a moment...

- Yes? - he smirked.

- Do you planning to...?

- Maybe... - he winked - But don't say anything to anyone about it. For now only you and Alfredo knows about my plan...

- Okay, I won't say a word!

- But I'm kinda afraid... - he then sighed when they arrived back home.

- Why so?

- What if... what if she says no? What if I'm too fast with this...? What if she...

- Don't think like that... - she said with a smile and patted him on his back - Everything will be just fine! She loves you... She won't say no...

- You think so?

- I don't think so... I'm sure of it! She loves you! So don't worry... and be brave when the time comes! Okay?

- Okay... - he nodded, now smiling again, then hugged her and kissed her head - I love you so much, you know that, right?

- I know - she giggled - I love you too, son... But when the time comes you stop being a coward, will you?

- Yes, mom - he laughed.

On the next week Clari was there on the shooting all the time, even though she didn't have a scene for a while yet.

One day Mehmet came up to her.

- Hey! I didn't know you were back! - he said as he hugged her.

- Sorry for not telling you before - she smiled - But I'm only home for a few days so you didn't miss anything!

- I see, I see... That's good to know! - he smiled - Anyway... What's up with you and Diego?

- Everything's fine! Can't be better!

- Lovebirds... - he joked - Just because I saw that interview and I couldn't believe my ears and eyes for a second... That you and him...

- I couldn't believe it either... - Clari laughed - But now... I just love him sooo much!

- I bet you do! I can see the love when you two are together! - he said - I'm happy to see that everything's perfect between you two and I hope there will be nothing wrong when we will shoot together!

- I don't think there will be any problem - she smiled - But enough about me... What's up with you and Carla?

For a moment Mehmet didn't say a word but cleared his throat while trying to hide his embarrassment.

- Hmm... Something's up... Am I right? - Clari grinned.

- Actually yes... atleast I hope she thinks the same about me as I do... - he muttered.

Meanwhile Diego met Carla near the dressing rooms...

- Diego... Can I talk to you for a second? - she asked, a bit nervously.

- Sure thing - he nodded - What is it? And why are you so nervous?

- I owe you with an apology... For being like... Like that...

Diego looked at her for some seconds in confusion then he just smiled and shook his head.

- No, it's okay... - he said - I'm not mad at you anyway.

- But I was acting so stupid as I was trying to get your attention a-and...

He placed both hands on her shoulder.

- Calm down! I'm not mad, okay? - he smiled.

- O-Okay... And thank you... - Carla muttered as she hugged him tightly.

- But anyway... What made you change your mind all of a sudden? - he asked while he hugged her back.

- Not what... But who... - she blushed lightly.

- Ooh... I can see it now - he grinned - And do you really like him? Whoever it is...

- I do... I'm just not sure if he likes me... The same way though...

- Just give him a chance and you'll see - Diego smiled, Carla just nodded.

In the dressing room Diego caught up with Alfredo.

- When will you do it? - he suddenly asked, but Diego seemed to be deep in his thoughts so he slapped his shoulder - Diego!

- W-What is it...?! - he groaned.

- I'm talking to you, but you don't listen to me!

- S-Sorry...

- You're daydreaming again!

- Yes... thats true - he began to smile - But what did you say?

- I was asking you that when will you do it?

- Soon... When the right time comes... And after reading the next role from the season I think I have the right time...

- Well... good luck with that... - said Alfredo - You can count on me with anything, you know - he added with a smile.

- Thank you... - Diego smiled too.

Just a quick note: Check out our story with violettalover2 on the account named germangiestaystrong

It's called: Germangie - Fallen in love :) xxx

Friendship turns to love (A Dielari R. fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now