Chapter 16

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That night Diego took Clari out for dinner but the whole way to the restaurant he seemed upset about something so when they arrived she decided to ask him about it.

- Diego... - she said softly as she took his hand - What's the matter?

- Huh? Oh... No... it's nothing - he shaked his head and kissed her hand but avoided the eye contact.

- I know you're lying - Clari sighed and Diego's eyes widened - You act totally like German when you're lying...

- What do you mean by that? - he questioned, now smirking.

- You become quiet and avoiding eye contact... - she grinned - Should I say anything more, my dear?

- No, you don't have to... - he sighed as he gave in - I'm just worried...

- Worried about what?

- Many things...

- Let me guess... It's Dominguez, isn't it? - Clari asked with a smile.

- It is...

- I told him how I really feel... - she admitted and she could see Diego became more and more worried when she continued - I told him how disappointed I am in him... That he did the worst thing he could do to me: He let me down and left me when I needed him.

Diego was now looking at her, confused.

- I told him that I've had enough of him... I don't want him back because I found a perfect guy for myself... - she said as she touched his cheek softly - The perfect guy who cares about me since the first time we met... a guy who always so sweet and kind to me and always can make me smile...

- Clari... - he muttered while blushing slightly.

She then moved closer to him, wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed his lips softly.

- I love you... - she whispered - Even if I'd be forced to choose between you and him I still would choose you...

- I love you too... - he whispered back while wrapped his arms around her waist - I'm glad you chose me... I promise I won't disappoint you... ever...

- I know you won't... - she smiled happily.

After dinner they both went to Clari's apartment.

- Thank you for the dinner - she smiled.

- My pleasure - Diego smiled back happily - I'm always happy to be with you...

Clari blushed softly. Diego caressed her cheek and was about to kiss her when they heard barking from inside and they both started giggle.

- How about you cme in? - she asked, smiling.

- Only if you don't mind...

- I don't mind! Now come! - she said as she pulled him inside.

There Vincente greeted them happily.

- How adorable - Diego smiled ah he watched Clari as she hugged her puppy.

- I know - giggled Clari.

- You both are cute - he added and pulled her into his arms.

- Will you stay with us tonight? - Clari asked, a bit nervously.

Diego looked at her for a long moment before smiling happily and kissing her on her forehead softly.

- Yeah, sure... - he said - I'd do anything for you...

- Thank you... - she blushed and smiled shyly.

- My pleasure... - he whispered between her lips then kissed her slowly and passionately - I love you so much...

- I love you too, Diego... - she whispered back happily.


- You know what's the other thing that bothers me? - Diego asked when they were laying down on the bed together. He wrapped his arms around her waist and rested his head on her shoulder.

- Hm? What?

- That you're going away... - he sighed painfully and Clari turned around to face him.

- Diego... - she muttered.

- Please wait... Let me finish...

Clari nodded and he continued.

- I'm afraid... that I'm gonna lose you...

- Why...?

- Who knows? Maybe you'll get to know some guy in Madrid and... and you won't love me anymore and...

She cut him off with a soft kiss on the lips.

- This is something that won't happen... It won't happen because even if I'd seach I wouldn't find a better guy than you are. That's just impossible! - she said.

- You can't say that for sure... - he muttered.

- I can! And you know why?

- Why?

- Because deep inside... deep inside I always loved you... and now that we're together... I'm not gonna be a moron like Dominguez was!

Diego listened her, shocked then after a while he rolled over and got on top of her.

- Oh! What are you doing? - Clari giggled.

- I want to show you tonight how much I love you! - he smirked before kissing her on the lips passionately then down her neck softly.

- Ah... I feel the love... - she chuckled softly while enjoying his kisses.

- Then let me have you tonight... - he grinned.

- You know... I'm all yours anytime you want... - she whispered while wrapping her arms around him and then they enjoyed each others company for the rest of the night

Friendship turns to love (A Dielari R. fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now