Chapter 17

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On the next day Clara and Diego went to the shooting together and they were happily talking when they noticed Mehmet and Carla talking nearby just as happily as they were.

- Hmm... Could it be that they began to like each other? - questioned Diego curiously.

- Maybe... - giggled Clari.

- That would be good if it would be true though... I don't like hurting her.

- I know... That's why I wanted them to talk and seems like it works.

- Yeah. It works and all thanks to you - smiled Diego happily while hugging Clari tightly.

- Gooood morning, lovebirds!

Tini greeted the couple happily and hugged them.

- Why are you so excited? - asked Clari, smiling.

- I'm just having an awesome day! - she replied happily - And seeing you two happy makes me happy too!

- Ah, I see - Clari giggled.

- Well... then you have to be really happy today - joked Diego.

- It's not enough that how happy I am now?? - Tini laughed.

- Hmm... Maybe it's enough - he smiled then kissed her forehead.


- Okay, people! - shouted the director - Let's get back to work!

 The last days passed by and the were filming Angie's last scene.

The farewell was heartbreaking even for those who hasn't been in it.

- Okay, cut! - said the director when they finished the scene with German hugging Angie. They were still hugging when Ezequiel jumped between them.

- Okaaay! Lovebirds enough already! - he said jokingly.

- This scene just reminded me that you also will go away for some time... - said Diego while still holding Clari's hands.

- But I'll come back! Atleast sooner than Angie will... - she smiled softly.

- I know... But still... - he sighed.

- Wow... - sighed Ezel while looking at the couple - Diego, I've never seen you so emotional before...

- Well... Time changes people... and lovers...

Clari just blushed softly.

A few hours later Diego and Alfredo were talking but after a while Alfredo noticed that his friend doesn't really listen to him.

- Diego... - he sighed.

- W-What? - he murmurred.

- Are you even listening?

- Yes! Yes... No...

- What's wrong?

- I'm just thinking. Clari is about to leave very soon and I want to give something special to her to not to forget me while she's away... I just don't know what exactly.

- Ohh... So that's the problem...

- Yeah...

- If you listen to me you need to give her something that would remind her of you and how much you love her.

- I know... I guess I'll look around for something tomorrow.

On the next day Clari arrived to the shooting but surprisingly Diego was nowhere to be seen.

Friendship turns to love (A Dielari R. fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now