Chapter 7

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- She's in deep coma... And they say if she's not waking up within a week then she will.... she will...

Diego was now shaking and crying. Clari sighed deeply and holding her tears back while pulling him into a hug.

- Come on... You can't just give up like that!

- I'm not giving up... I'm here for the last 4 days now...

- Helen always tells me whenever something like this happens relatives and friends always visits to the patient, talking to them and stuff like that and it usually can help... Even if she's sleeping she knows that you're with her... - said Clari, trying to comfort him - She knows that her amazing son is with her and supports her...

- Thank you... - he whispered and kissed her cheek - Will you stay here too for a bit?

- Sure, if this is what you want - she smiled.

- Thank you so much... Now I also need some support...

- Then I'll stay...

After this they went back to the room, sat down next to each other while Diego was holding his mother's hand and they continued talking and later at night he took her home.

- Thank you for coming - he said - You made my day so much better...

- I thank you for telling me what's the real problem... - she smiled - But what should I say to the director? He was already about to fire you...

- You can tell him that I have some family issues... I don't really want him to know about this...

- Alright - Clari nodded - And how about Tini? She was also just as worried as I am...

- You can tell her but only her...

- Okay - Clari nodded then kissed his cheek - Take some rest tonight...

- I'll try... he sighed.

The next day Diego was in the hospital again when a visitor came...

- Clari? What are you doing here? - he asked, confused.

- I couldn't leave you like that in here... So I asked for a few days off since there will be times when Angie won't be in the show - she said with a smile - I... I wanted to be here... with you...

Diego couldn't help but grin happily as she said that and hugged her tightly in happiness.

- Thank you... - he said - You have no idea how much it means to me to hear this from you...

They were spending the whole day together talking and meanwhile were practising their lines to the show together as well.

Once while they were practising a line they were so into it that Diego was leaning in and so was Clari but suddenly he felt something.

- Mom...? - he looked down at his mom and he felt she was trying to squeeze his hand. She was weak but he clearly saw and felt that - Mom! Thank god! - he almost screamed while Clari when to get the doctor and Helen too.

After a few tests...

- How is she doing? - Clari asked from Helen.

- She'll make it - she said.

- Ah, Thank god... - she sighed in relief as she was looking inside the room.

- Go and join them - Helen said.

- No, I can't...

At that moment...

- Clari! - Diego called out - Come on in already!

The two woman looked at each other then Clari went in. Diego jumped off his chair to stand beside her.

- Mom... She's my good friend who was here with me for the last two days and supported me - he said - Clara Alonso...

- I know who she is! - said the lady smiling. She already seemed to be in a so much better shape.

- It's very nice to meet you, Mrs. Ramos - Clari smiled kindly.

- Just call me Andrea, my dear - she smiled warmly - And thank you for helping my son out!

- It's nothing. I'd do it again anytime!

- I bet you would - Andrea giggled.

Later some visitors arrived:

- Tini? Carla? And Alfredo too? - Diego gasped - What are you all doing here??

Tini jumped into his arms and hugged him.

- Thank god! Plrase tell me you won't leave us!

He was shocked for a moment then just smiled and stroked her head gently.

- I won't leave... - he said.

- Clari talked to the director about you and he was understanding - smiled Carla.

- That's a relief to hear...

While they were talking outside the room Clari and Andrea were inside the room and Clari couldn't help but looking at Diego with Carla in disgust and lady noticed it too.

- What's wrong sweetheart? - she asked.

- Nothing... - Clari muttered.

- I can see you keep staring at my son and that woman.

Clara sighed deeply.

- I'm fine really... I'm just...

- Jealous?

- Kinda...

- I shouldn't say this but... Today... before you arrived he told me that... he really loves you...

- W-What? He did?!

- Yes - Andrea nodded - He loves you and really appreciate how you came yesterday and helped him to calm down...

- Diego...

Then he came in and both Andrea and Clara grew quiet.

- What were you two talking about? - he questioned.

- Nothing really, my boy... - said his mom - I was just asking who was the woman that came with the girl, that's all.

- Ah, so were you talking about Carla, huh?

- Yes - said both Clari and Andrea at the same time.

- Aaand...?

- And nothing, my dear - Andrea smiled.

- Okay, if you say so - said Diego, a bit confused.

Clari just looked down at Andrea who just smiled innocently and winked at her.

- Could she be right...? No... - thought Clari - Or could she...? But if he told her then...

Her thoughts got interrupted by her phone that started beeping.

- Who is it? - questioned Diego.

- It's Helen... - she muttered - What?!

- What?!

- Dominguez is here...

- Why?

- I don't know but I'm going to find out! - she said then stood up but Diego grabbed her arm.

- Should I go with you?

- No... you stay here and I'll get him out of here! - she said then went out but as soon as she stepped out of the room she noticed her ex was right in front of the room.

- What the hell are you doing here with HIM?! - questioned Dominguez angrily.

Friendship turns to love (A Dielari R. fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now