Instant Sleep

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~Four weeks later~

Five weeks straight of nonstop work, long nights of recording and editing. I'm completely beat. I thought about a day off would help me regain my strength. But when I woke up this morning, I wasn't feeling too well. I thought it was just a way for my body to complain about how it didn't like all this extra work. In no time, I was sweating like crazy, and my breathing was heavy. I started coughing, and headaches started. "What's going on?" I asked myself. Even in this mess, I stumbled into my recording room. I only spent ten minutes on editing, and I was already feeling horrible. "Get it together, Y/N. I need to edit," I slapped myself. Then I got back to editing.

~After an hour~

I was laying on the ground, dying. "What's happening to me? Am I sick? No, that's impossible. I don't get sick that easily, especially due to stress," I thought. I've been stressed many times, and my body would deal with it. But seeing that I'm sick now, made no sense. "I need to go back," when I stood up, my entire body ached. My head started throbbing. "You're strong, you got this," I thought.

~Time: 4:12 P.M.~

I was starting to drift off, I kept nodding off. As I continued to edit, my body seemed like it had enough. I was so close to hitting my head on my desk. But, that's when a hand landed on my forehead. I slowly looked up, the hand was still on my forehead. "You're really burning up, princess," Seokjin gave me a concerned face. "Am I? I couldn't tell. I'm sure I'm fine," I pushed him away. "You should really stop editing," he said. He grabbed onto my chair, and pulled me away. "What, why?" I looked at him."You can't just work yourself to the point of your death. I mean, look at you, you're a complete mess," he said. "Stop pushing yourself so hard and rest. You need it," he added. "I'll be fine. It's not like I was going to fall asleep or anything," I assured. I started using my feet to drag myself back to my desk, but he grabbed onto my chair. "Um... excuse me, but you're the one who almost went face first into your keyboard. If it weren't for me, you would have hit your head and fallen asleep," he pointed out. "You really want me to rest, don't you?" I turned to him. He nodded, eagerly wanting me to leave this room. "Fine, fine. Since you're so worried, I'll just save my edits and go to bed," I promised. It's not like he could stay with me forever, he had a job to attend to as well. So when he leaves, I'll just go back to editing. When I finished saving, he didn't even let me turn off my computer. He grabbed me, and threw me over his shoulder. "Okay princess, let's get you to your bed," he said. "Wait, I need to turn my computer off!" I replied. "I'll do it for you. I don't need you wasting anymore energy," he said. "What, it takes two seconds to turn it off," I replied, confused.

"I don't care how long it takes. You're going straight to bed, whether you like it or not. You need some rest; your body isn't agreeing with you," he said. Then he placed me on my bed. He tucked me in and everything, I sort of felt like a child. "Thanks, papa," I joked. "You're welcome. Now, I'm going to go to Kim, and get some medicine for you. Dont. Move," he said. "What, don't get medicine from that Asian," I replied. "She's a doctor, and your friend. It'll be free," he started touching my head. Then he pulled out his phone, and started texting. "I'll be right back," he said after a while. He left my room, but he didn't leave straight away. I'm pretty sure he kept his promise, and went to turn off my computer. Then there was a click, meaning the door just closed. I waited for some time. Then I got up, and started going to my recording room. As I was sneaking around, in my own apartment, I made sure I was in the clear. Then I made it to my recording room. "I'll just edit a little bit, and go back to bed before he notices that I got up," I closed the door behind me. I sat down, and turned my computer back on. "I'm sure I can finish this by the time he's walking here," I was sure I could do it. But at the moment, my mind got foggy and it was hard for me to edit.

~Twenty minutes later~

I just completed with the video. As I was turning off my computer, I heard the door open. "Ah, s***. He came back faster than I thought!" I started freaking out. There was no way I could explain this to him. He'll most likely lecture me for not listening to him. I started looking around. Then quietly went into the closet. "Princess, where did you go? I asked you to stay in bed!" then the door swung open. Seokjin walked in, he didn't seem so happy from the little crack I got to see through. Then he analyzed the room. I thought he left, so I got out of my hiding spot. That's when he got me. "You went back in here to finish he edit, didn't you?" he asked, he seemed really annoyed. "I'm sorry, baby. I just wanted to finish it. I was going to go back, I swear!" I was trying to act cute, it's not a thing I do. He stared at me in disbelief. "Go back to bed," he instructed.

I did what I was told. After a while, he came back with a bowl. He set it down. "Open your mouth," he said. I did as told, and he stuck a thermometer in my mouth. "I can't believe you decided to go back. That's the exact reason why you're sick," he pulled out a towel from the bowl, and soaked it up. After he twisted the towel and got rid of the water, he placed it on my forehead. Then he took out the thermometer. "A hundred and ten degrees! You're crazy that you wanted to go back to editing!" he shook his head. "I felt fine," I smiled. "That's a lie. There's no way you felt okay in that condition," he said. "Don't you have work to attend to?" I asked. "I do, but I asked to leave early because I need to watch over you. If I didn't know you well enough, I would have left. But I know how you are, so I'm staying right here," he crossed his arms. "You left me alone a few minutes ago," I reminded. "That was to get medicine," he reminded me instead. "Now get some rest, I'll start making soup," he left the room. It felt too easy to fall asleep, I imstantly fell asleep.

I hoped you enjoyed!

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