The Protector

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"Surprise! Look who decided to make their way into the world without you here!"

Later that evening, after Haruki had showered and changed her clothes, Shisui stumbled into the room looking very lethargic but nonetheless ecstatic to see his family.

"No way!" breathed the Uchiha as he trudged towards his newborn son's bassinet, staring down into it in awe.

"You made it just in time to find out his name," mused Namiko from the other side of Haruki's bed, busying repacking her overnight bag. "You look tired, son. Did you come straight from the Hokage's office?"

"More like straight from the gate," chuckled Shisui, scratching the back of his head as he grinned at his mother and wife frowning in disapproval. "Don't worry, don't worry! I've told the Hokage I'll report to him once everything at home is settled!"

Shisui waltzed his way over to Haruki's bed and wasted no time in lavishing her with kisses, earning a giggle from the Hyūga as they embraced.

"I'm so sorry I wasn't here, Haru-chan!" apologised Shisui mournfully, hugging Haruki and laying his head on her shoulder. "It didn't take too long, did it?"

"Only took six hours this time," smiled Haruki, patting Shisui's hand as he straightened up. "It was fine. I had okaa-san with me."

"I honestly don't know how I survived," called out Namiko from the bathroom, where she was collecting all of Haruki's toiletries. "Honestly, I thought Haruki-chan was going to break my hands at one point. How do you put up with that?"

"I do anything for Haru-chan," said Shisui teasingly, sitting down in the seat next to Haru's bed and pulling their son's bassinet closer to them. "How are Masumi and the twins?"

"Miko-chan sent Fugaku over not too long ago with an update," said Namiko, exiting the bathroom and shutting the door behind her. With a huff, she took a seat on the other side of Haruki's bed and smiled brightly at the young parents. "They're doing fine. They'll be going over to Mikoto and Fugaku's house to have dinner with Sasuke and Itachi." 

"Oh, no," groaned Haruki, her head lolling to the side as she imagined what mischief the three would get up to with their older relatives. "They'll be talking their ears off all night!"

"Hey, they're not that bad! I mean, as long as no one annoys Masumi to the point where he tries to activate his Byakugan, they should have a pleasant night!" said Shisui defensively.

"They're thrilled to have them over," added Namiko, mostly for Haruki's sake. "But that aside, shall we move on to his name?"

"Of course."

Shisui and Haruki quietened as Namiko composed herself, gazing tenderly at her newest grandson.

"Truthfully, Shisui's name wasn't even meant to be Shisui," she admitted, earning raised eyebrows from the couple at her seemingly random comment. "Masumi and I had picked out a different name for him, but that literally changed as soon as he was born."

"Why is that?"

"I had a water birth," explained Namiko, nodding at her confused son. "Due to a number of personal health reasons, it was suggested that I should try it out. Right from the beginning of my pregnancy, Masumi and I had agreed that we would name our son this one name, no matter what happened. But then, when you were born, the water was so still and peaceful. You came out of the water so quiet and calm, we knew we had to name you Shisui.* But what had we planned on naming you before, you ask?"

Namiko smiled brightly at Shisui and Haruki, ready to make the final announcement.

"The name we were originally meant to give to Shisui, we'll be giving to your fourth son," she said softly. "Uchiha Mamoru. He who protects."

"... Mamoru, huh?" 

Shisui and Haruki exchanged looks, both of them repeating the name over and over again in their minds as they familiarised themselves with it.

"Mamoru," smiled Haruki. "Our little protector."

Author's Note: *The kanji for Shisui (that doesn't mean death water🤦) is 止水, which means still water or stagnant water. I stole the kanji from his Narutopedia page and made up a backstory as to how he got this random ass name HAHAHAHA

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