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Sitting on my bed , as usual not knowing what to do on another red hot day, but now i had to get out of the house, all i could hear was my younger brothers and sisters screaming at the top of their lungs as they played some game that they had made up and thought it was so amazingly brilliant that it could not be interrupted...... under any circumstances.

I Basically ran down the stairs as i couldn't take anymore of the screaming , i walked in to the front room where my mum was sat, i asked her if i could go round to my friends house and if i could have some money , she said yes and gave me a tenner. She didn't tell me what time to be back so i didn't bother to ask , i opened my front door and walked out into my garden and just for a second enjoyed the sort of peace and quiet of the road and the street, but that was quickly spoilt by my loud , snotty neighbours kids collecting caterpillars and placing them in to and old empty ice cream tub . I quickly rushed out of my garden only to then get my feet attacked by their overly crazed dog.

As i walked down the cycle track to my friends Raven Rose's house i had my ear phones in listening to my favourite band You Me At Six , wishing , wanting , needing to meet them no matter how much i dreamed , thought or talked about them i knew that it was virtually impossible that i was ever going to meet them in my whole life or even go to one of their shows . Raven Rose had seen them live earlier on in the year as she had gone to Download Festival with her mum, where she saw her favourite band Black Veil Brides. I also was a fan of BVB but not as much as Raven Rose and she was a fan of You Me At Six but not as much as i was. But my thoughts were then put to an end when i finally realized that i had reached Ravens house, (most people just call her Raven just because its easier calling her that). I saw her sat in the front room her eyes were fixed on the TV ,i wondered what she could of been watching that it had made her dribble , i walked over to the window and looked at the TV where i saw she had paused it on a interview with Black Veil Brides and she had stopped it on the bit where Andy Biersack was talking. I knocked on the window making her jump , she rushed to the door and we both screamed because even though BVB  are not my fave band, Raven knew i liked some of their songs and that i thought Andy was a very handsome and sexy man . I also knew that she also liked my fave Band YMAS and that she thought that Dan Flint was so incredibly  beyond sexy and but not as much as i thought it.

When we had stopped acting like a couple of demented , Crazed 18 year old girls she asked me what i was doing at hers , i told her about the whole how i needed to get out of the house or i would of gone insane and she would of had to visit me in a mental home thing, she knew i wasn't exaggerating as she had  met my family to many times to remember,  plus we had been friends for 13 years. After that i asked her if she wanted to go up town with me, but we would go to Lancaster because Morecambe had nothing new to offer anymore .She agreed and we went to check the train times on her computer and once we had got them all sorted we headed to the train station.

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