♡ 38 - short insomniacs ♡

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(a/n: i wrote angst for virgil, declan, and patton so now it's roman time because he's more than just the love interest ayo)

Roman was lucky he was playing the role of a short insomniac, because the deep exhaustion shown in his face after it was clear he'd just finished crying added to the character.

He loves you. He just isn't ready, and you can wait.

He's lying out of pity.

He loves you.

He still loves Declan.

Everybody loves you.

Maybe nobody does.

During intermission, after he changed his costume, he sat in his dressing room, pretending to do something on his phone to avoid speaking to Virgil.

He wasn't new to unrequited love. But this was something else.

Virgil said he loved him, so why did his heart still ache?

All his life, Roman felt like he wasn't enough, and every time he got rejected, it cracked his fragile heart just a bit more, until it came to... this.

Now that it was shattered, he doubted he could put it back together. It was an impossible jigsaw puzzle, one with too many pieces.

The only thing that kept him smiling was reminding himself that insecurity is unattractive.

With ten minutes until act two, Virgil anxiously tapped on Roman's shoulder. "A-Are you okay?"

"Of course!" Roman stood up defensively, and positioned his mouth in a way that didn't transfer to his bloodshot, tired eyes.

"No, you're not."

Roman scoffed. "You're right! No! I'm really not!"

"Roman!" Virgil exclaimed, grateful their mics were off backstage. "I'm sorry I can't be with you. I really am."

"It's not that!"

It was truly sad how hard Roman tried to hold it together, and how he couldn't keep his streak.

Everybody hates you.

Everybody hates you.

Everybody hates you.

You're jealous of someone who's dead. That's how pathetic you are.

No wonder why your Mom left you.

No wonder why nobody loves you back.

"Roman, can you hear me?"

It was Logan.

Opening Roman's eyes felt like his eyelids were glued together. He rubbed them until he was fully awake. "Um, yes?" he replied.

A cold, wet towel was set on his forehead.

"What happened?" he asked groggily. His entire body was hot and he became embarrassed when he saw the whole cast looking down at him with worried looks.

"You unfortunately passed out during intermission. Virgil alerted us that you fell onto the floor in your dressing room mid-conversation," Logan said. "Thankfully, he put his hand under your head before you fell, so you have no head injuries from this."

"Wh- Then how did you continue the show?! I had to open the second act!"

Logan put his hand on Roman's chest and his other hand on Roman's forehead to keep the towel in place. "Deep breaths, Roman. You don't want to burn up any more than you already have."

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