☂️Chapter 6☂️

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《•••The Past•••》

     "Why won't he let me," Five asked through his teeth, clearly frustrated.
     "Because he says you're not ready," Kiara answered. They were both in Five's room, Kiara was laying on his bed, looking up at the little butterflies she made fly around with her powers; while Five was pacing his room, complaining about their father.
     "It was a rhetorical question," Five started.
     "I know," Kiara responded, not letting her eyes leave the colorful insects flying above her.
     "It doesn't matter anyway," Five continued. "The man is wrong, I am ready. I can do it."
     Kiara sighed, "Five, you don't know if you can jump through Time since you've never done it before."
     "But how can I try if dad won't let me!" Five bit at her, but Kiara wasn't offended, she just stayed calm, watching the butterflies.
     "He said it's too dangerous and that you had to train the space- jump- thingies first."
     Five scoffed, "you're one to talk. You never do what he tells you to. That's even how you discovered your powers."
     "Yes, but Reginald also told me not to play with fire, which I did and that resulted in a burned ceiling. And remember that time he told me not to use permanent marker, which I still did and-"
     "Yeah, yeah. I know." Five interrupted her. "It's just. I know I can do this. I know I'm ready! If only he let me try." He continued as he lay down on his bed beside Kiara, also looking up at the butterflies now.
     "Do you really know you're ready? Or do you just want to be ready?" Kiara asked him, but before he could answer they heard the bell coming from downstairs, indicating that the food was ready.
    "Let's go, Dolores." Five said, jumping up from the bed and gesturing Kiara to follow.
     Kiara pushed herself up as well, butterflies disappearing since she broke concentration, growning at the name, "stop calling me that."
     The only reaction she got from Five was an amused smirk, "but you look like a Dolores to me!"
     The young girl sighed dramatically, "no I don't!"
     "Yes you do!" Five continued, his smirk turning into a laugh. "You look like a Dolores. We asked Klaus and Ben and Diego last time and they all agreed with me."
     "Only because you gave them chocolate in return!"
     Five gasped, trying to sound offended, but it was a little to much. "I did not!"
     "Yes you did!" Kiara responded while she exited the room, followed by Five.
     "No I did not," Five defended himself, suppressing a laugh.
     Kiara sighed, trowing her head back in frustration, "okay, fine. You win!"
     A smirk of triumphant grew on Five's lips, reaching his eyes as he walked down the stairs. "Great! Now com'n Dollie, before we're too late for-"
     "Ow no, that's too far," Kiara growled, jumping down the first couple of stairs to try and hit her friend on the head. Only Five had expected something like that, so he portaled out of the way. This made Kiara loose her balance on the stairs, resulting in her tumbling down; knocking over Ben and Klaus, who were walking in front of them. Once the three of them hit the ground, they were all entangled with each other.
     "Kiara!" Ben growled while pushing himself up.
     "I am so, so sorry," Eight said as she tried to remove Klaus's leg from her chest. "I lost balance because that little prick! Teleported" She said, looking up at Five, who was laughing his ass off, standing a few steps above them.
     Klaus moved his leg off of Kiara, rubbing the back of his head as he pushed himself off the ground. "It's fine Kiki," he mumbled while helping Kiara up as well, "at least you fell for me." He teased, winking at her.
     In response she scoffed, pushing him slightly. "I did not! I fell for Ben, you're just, collateral damage."
     The girl's comment made Ben and Five laugh, while Klaus rolled his eyes. "Whatever."
     "Children?" The voice of their mother made the four look behind, "we don't want to let your father wait now, do we?" She asked with a smile. The four stopped bickering, Five teleported to the table, while Klaus jogged into the same direction. Kiara quickly pulled Ben up from the ground, handing back the book he had dropped while falling, before they also made their way into the dining room.
     The two were the last ones to take their places. Ben on the far end on the table, on the right by the head, where Sir Reginald was going to sit. And Kiara on the right from Vanya, who sat on the other head of the table, and in front of Five, who smirked at her the moment they locked eyes. Les then five seconds later, Sir Reginald walked into the room. His stern eyes going over the table and the children, who were all standing by their chairs, waiting for their adoptive father to tell them they were aloud to sit down.
     "Sit." The man said, and that one word was followed by the sound of nine moving chairs when everyone took their place at the table. Dinner was always a quiet moment, no one was aloud to talk so Mr. Hargreeves could listening to a vinyl he always listened to at this time of day. At the same time, all the children seemed to do their own thing in silence. Diego was cutting in the arm of his chair with one of his knives, Ben was reading his book and Klaus was making himself a cigarette under the table. Allison and Luther weren't really doing anything beside eating and frequently looking over at each other. Kiara had started to make the butterflies appear again, right now she was letting them fly around herself and Vanya. Vanya smiled as she enjoyed the fluttering around her. When Kiara's eyes fell on Five, she saw he was getting more frustrated with the second. In an effort to distract him, she let some of the butterflies fly to him. Only Five didn't seem to care, he was just glaring at their father who didn't even bother to look at him. Five snapped, stabbing his knife into the table, missing one of Kiara's butterflies with just an inch. His action startled his sibling, Kiara lost concentration and the butterflies disappeared. Only Sir Reginald wasn't impressed, he just looked at the boy, "Number Five?"
     "I have a question," he started.
     "Knowledge is an admirable goal, but you know the rules." His father responded, his attention back by his plate of food. "No talking during mealtimes. You are interrupting Herr Carlson."
     Five wasn't happy with Reginald's response. He dropped his fork on his plate and continued with what he wanted to say, "I want to time travel." Kiara sighed, hearing him start this again, she felt like she should've seen it coming.
     Almost immediately, Mr. Hargreeves answered with a harsh "no." Only Five wasn't going to give up just yet.
     "But I'm ready. I've been practicing my spatial jumps, just like you said." The boy stood up from his chair, opening a portal, disappearing and reappearing beside his father at the head of the table. "See?" Kiara held her mouth shut as she watched the two, just like the other siblings.
     "A spatial jump is trivial when compared  with the unknown of time travel. One is like sliding along the ice, the other is akin to descending blindly into the depths of the freezing water and reappearing as an acorn." Kiara crossed her brows in confusion, not understanding what her guardian just had said and apparently, she wasn't the only one.
     "Well, I don't get it." Five said, sounding frustrated.
     "Hence the reason you're not ready." Finally, Five looked over at the table, locking eyes with Kiara who immediately shook her head and mouthed 'later.' Only Five still wasn't convinced.
     "I'm not afraid." He told Sir Reginald.
     "Fear isn't the issue," he responded, not bothering to look up from his plate. "The effects it might have on your body, even on your mind, are far to unpredictable. Now, I forbid you to talk about this anymore." And with those words, Reginald ended the conversation. Only Five's frustration and anger was getting more visible on the boy's face, until he stormed away from the table. "Number Five!" Reginald called after his son, "you haven't been excused!" Only he didn't listen, turning the corner out of the room. Without considering the consequences, Kiara stood up as well.
     "Kiara-" Vanya started in a soft voice, but Kiara talked through her.
     "Excuse me," she mumbled as she ran after him.
     "Come back here!" The old man called after her now as well, but Eight didn't listen either.
     "Five!" She called, catching up to him just as he ran outside. "Five wait," she said, taking his wrist in her hand.
     "You can't stop me," he said, turning back to look at her. "I'm going to prove him wrong."
     Kiara tightened her grip on his wrist, "what if it goes wrong?"
     Five noticed the concern in his friend's eyes and softens his voice, taking her hand in his. "Then I'll fix it. Kiara, I love that you're always protecting others, but I can take care of myself."
     "I didn't say you can't, I'm just saying it could be better if you train first. Get better, just to be sure."
     Five smiled at her, brushing some hair behind her ear. "Don't worry. I'll be back before you know it. I mean, time travel! I could be gone for years and for you it could be five minutes."
     Kiara sighed, "it better not be longer then a day." She ordered, glaring at him. The moment Five realized what she had said, a smile lit up his face. Without thinking, Five stepped closer, placing his other hand on her cheek, pulling her into a short, sweet kiss. Kiara was frozen, she hadn't expected it and didn't know how to react. When Five pulled away, the smile on his face was even brighter.
     "Ten minutes. I'll be back here, in ten minutes." Kiara was still in shock, but she managed to smile at him and nod her head. Five let go of her and turned around. Kiara watched as the boy opened a portal and disappeared.
     "You better be..." Eight mumbled as she sat down on the steps, leaning against the black fence as she stared at the spot her adoptive brother had jumped through his portal. Not being able to take her mind off the feeling of Five lips against hers. After all, it was her first kiss and she would be lying if she said she hadn't enjoyed it.

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