☂️Chapter 7☂️

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A/n: Jeej! A new chapter!!
And all dedicated to Hebe_1353
I hope you like it😊

Btw, you better send me all those picture while you're in New York! I want to know everything!

Love you!💖💜💛


《•••The Past•••》

Grieve is a weird thing. Missing someone so much that you feel like you can't breath. Not wanting to go on without that person, but still finding yourself waking up in the morning and realizing they're not there. For Kiara, this was her first time experiencing this kind of loss and she wasn't handling it very well.

The girl woke up the next morning, alone in her bed. It took her some time to realize where she was and how she got there, but then it hit her. Five was gone.
     Kiara pushed herself up, sitting against the headboard of the bed, knees pulled up against her chest, arms around her knees and head hidden in them. She wanted to cry, but couldn't, an empty feeling making it's way through her body. There sounded a knock on the door and the girl looked up, "yeah?"
     The door opened and Grace walked inside, "good morning sweetheart." The woman made her way to her daughter, sitting down beside her.
     "Mom..." Kiara started.
     "Yes, honey?" Grace waited for her to continue while brushing some hair behind Kiara's ear.
     "Did Five come back?" The smile on Grace's face disappeared.
     "I'm afraid your brother isn't back, yet." Kiara looked back down, only being able to let out a sad "ow." Grace immediately noticed the girl's sadness and quickly made a bright smile appear on her face. "But don't worry, Kiara. He could get back at any time now."

But like I said before, that wasn't the case. Only Kiara wasn't giving up that quickly and devoted almost all of her spare time to finding her adopted brother. You see, her powers could be used in a lot of different ways, she wanted to make fire? Draw a flame on her skin. Want something to drink? Draw a glass of water. Need an umbrella? No need to draw anything, she could just focus on the tattoo she had. So of course the girl tried to mess with time, ignoring all the warnings her adoptive father had given to Five. She started with a drawing of a simple clock, unfortunately, the only thing she could do was moving the handles of the already existing clocks around her from a distance. Pretty useless. The next thing she tried was drawing a hourglass on her arm. But that just resulted in a collection of 37 identical looking hourglasses stocked away in the basement of the house. Months went by where Kiara would study the concept of time, tried to find almost every single way past, present and future were being portrayed by every culture and religion known to man. At least, every way it got portrayed in the books that were present in the house, but for the young girl, that was everything. Up until now, non of the things she had tried ended in a positive way.
     Most of her siblings had started to avoid her, only Vanya and Klaus still acted somewhat normal to her. The others thought she was going crazy and only talked to her when really necessary. It had even gone to the point where everyone would fall silent when she walked into the room, as if the moment they said something Kiara would explode. It sounds unreasonable, I know, but it was a justly reaction. Since Number Eight had gotten more short tempered over the past months. She was more frustrated and angry, mostly at herself, but that didn't stop her from taking it out on her siblings. One time, she had punched Allison in the face, breaking her nose in the process, for trying to rumor her to calm down. An appropriate reaction if you would ask me, but my op opinion doesn't really matter at this point. What does matter, is the next part of the story.

It was Sunday night, the sun was almost entirely gone down and the moon was already visible in the sky. Vanya had been practicing on her violin for most of the day, but right now, she wasn't interested in the instrument. She was sitting on her bed, staring at the door which was slightly opened. Vanya hadn't seen her sister, Number Eight, all day and right now, she was considering if she should go check up on her. The last time she did that she got a door in her face, since her sister had been practicing with her powers. After some more doubting, Vanya had the strange feeling she really had to try, so she stood up and made her way to Kiara's room.
     Vanya had almost reached the door, when she noticed one of her brothers, Klaus, standing in front of it. Mumbling something to himself that Vanya couldn't quite make out. "She didn't let you in?" Vanya asked the moment she was close enough for him to hear her. Klaus turned around, seeming slightly startled by the young girl, but quickly recovering from it.
     "Haven't tried," he said, earning one nod from his sister.
     There was an awkward moment of silence between the two, before Vanya spoke up. "May I?"
     Klaus quickly nodded, "knock yourself out, sestra."
     Vanya thought he would go with her, but instead he turned around and started to walk away. Not really caring about why Klaus was acting strange, Vanya turned to the door and knocked three times. No reaction. She knocked again, a bit louder this time. "Kiara?" Still no reaction. "Kiara I'm coming inside," Vanya said, turning the handle and pushing the door open. What she saw made her let out a small scream without thinking. Kiara was standing frozen in front of her desk. Her entire body was glowing with a black light, her hair was waving through the air as if it was moving underwater, every single string of it also covered in the black glow. Unlike her entire body and clothes, her eyes weren't black, they were a pale white. "Kiara!" Vanya screeched as she made her way to her sister. Only Kiara wasn't responding, she seemed to be staring at the wall, terror visible in every inch of her body as if the wall was displaying her deepest, darkest fear.
     "What's wro-" Klaus had made his way back to the room the moment he had heard Vanya's alarmed voice.  His eyes had fallen on Kiara, making him stop talking. "Go get dad," he ordered Vanya, who immediately ran off to find him. On his turn, Klaus made his way to Kiara, his eyes fell on the open book in front of her, page open on a chapter about Celtic runes. He didn't read anything else, he only saw the picture of a rune, existing off three spirals, joined together in the middle. Knowing what she had done, he grabbed the water bottle from Kiara's desk and a piece of clothing from her bed, emptying the bottle on the shirt. The next moment he searched Kiara's arms for the same symbol he had seen in the book. "Where is it?" He mumbled in frustration. It didn't take long before he found it on her left under arm, instead of glowing black, it was glowing white, like her eyes. Without considering the consequences, he grabbed her arm and rubbed the wet shirt over the symbol, hoping that the moment the symbol was gone, the effects would go away as well.
     The young man was right. The moment he had smudged the drawing, the black glow that had illuminated the room disappeared. Kiara's hair fell back down her shoulders and the white glow in her eyes made place for their normal, bright blue color. Immediately, the girl lost her strength and fell to the ground. Klaus caught her, but dropped to his knees due to the sudden weight. Kiara gasped for air, eyes still wide with terror as one single tear ran down her cheek. "Kiara? Kiara, what happened?" Klaus's attempt to talk to her got completely ignored. Not on purpose, because Kiara was barely aware of her surrounding as everything around her turned to black.

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