☂️Chapter 23☂️

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《•••The Past•••》

Klaus shot up in his bed, his heart pounding against his chest, his breathing was fast and little drops of sweat tickled down his forehead. A nightmare, he thought. It was just a nightmare... The boy tried to steady his breathing, to make his body stop shaking with fear.
     "Klaaus!" A high pitched, haunting voice yelled from behind him. Immediately he jolted around, eyes darting from one place in the dark to another, hoping to see nothing else than the familiar shadows of his room. But he didn't. At the foot of his bed stood a woman, her features barely visible in the dim light of the moon that shone through the window, but it was definitely a woman and she was wearing some weird shaped necklace, that stuck out of the side.
     "Help me!" The woman yelled in his face as she shot forwards, clasping her hands around the railing of his bed. Klaus shot back, hitting the headboard of his bed. Now the woman was standing in the ray of moonlight, the boy could see it wasn't a necklace at all, but a knife, sticking out of her neck. It was a big, kitchen knife, covered in blood just like her clothes and mouth.
     "Go away," Klaus mumbled while jumping out of his bed. He needed to get high, before there were more. In blind panic, Klaus looked through his nightstand, but it was empty. "No," he whispered as he took his pillow and felt inside of it, but it was empty as well.
     "Klaaaauus!" The woman screatched, trying to get him to pay attention to her, but he tried his best to ignore her while he on his turn tried desperately to find some kind of drugs in his room. "Stop ignoring me!" The woman's scratchy voice echoed through the room, the blood in her throte gurgling with every word.
     "Leave me alone!" He bit at the woman. He was panicing more than before, he couldn't numb his powers without his drugs.
     "Help, me, first!" The woman screamed at him.
     "Shut up!" Klaus yelled back before running out of his room, slamming his door closed behind him. He pressed his hands against his ears in a desperate attempt to block the ghost out, but he could still hear the woman.
     "Klaus! You annoying little brad! Come here!" Without looking back, Klaus ran, he wanted to get as far away from that ghost woman as possible.
     Knowing he couldn't get his hands on any drugs right now, he went to the only person he knew would be able to help him. Kiara.
     Still shaking from fear and adrenaline, Klaus carefully opened the door to her room and walked in. At first, he was planning on waking her up, but the moment he saw her, lying in her bed, sleeping peacefully, he didn't know if he could. Careful, he closed the door and walked to her bed. Kiara didn't seem to notice his presence, still having her eyes closed while she was breathing, slow and steady.
     "Ki-" he started, but swallowed the rest of the sentance. She had told him before that if he needed her, he just needed to ask. Even if she was asleep he had her permission to wake her up. Only now he stood there, looking at her, he couldn't bring  himself to it. So after a few minutes of standing there, he desided to crawl into bed. Just as careful as he closed the door, Klaus lay down beside Kiara in her bed. His back pointing to his friend, not even bothering to crawl beneath the blankets, afraid it would wake her up.
     Klaus wanted to fall asleep, but couldn't. His heart was still beating fast and his body was shaking. He didn't dare to close his eyes, staring at the door, afraid the ghost lady would just walk through it the moment he closed his eyes.
     There was movement behind him, Kiara had woken up. At first she was a bit startled by the big figure that lay in front of her, but when she pushed herself up on her elbow she recognized him. "Klaus?" She whispered in a raspy voice, rubbing her left eye. Immediately Klaus closed his eyes, pretending to be asleep to avoid telling Kiara why he was there. The young girl saw him squeeze his eyes shut, but desided not to confront him. She knew he would've a good reason to be here. With some caution, she stood up, grabbing the thin blanket she had as a spare for the extra cold nights and lay it over him. When she touched his shoulder, she felt he was still shaking. Worried about her friend, she also crawled under the thin blanket and lay close to him, one arm wrapped around him. Knowing he would hear her, but acting as if she didn't, she started mumbling against his back.
     "Don't worry, Klausy. Everything will be okay. Nothing can hurt you. Not the spirits, not even Reginald. Just try to relax and get some sleep. I'll be here if you need me." While she talked, she felt Klaus take the arm she had wrapped around him and entangle their fingers. At the same time, she could feel his body started to relax a little. "You're okay now," Kiara mumbled, starting to fall asleep herself. Klaus squeezed her hand slightly, to feel she was really there and in response, Kiara pulled him closer, his back and her chest were now touching. It was quiet for a short moment, before Klaus finally got the courage to whisper something in a shaky voice.
     "Thank you." Klaus couldn't see it, but a smile tugged on Kiara's lips.
     "Any time." She whispered back, before they both started to drift off into a peaceful sleep.

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