Chapter 2...

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At the end of art class as Isobelle was packing her things away Luke tapped her on the shoulder, "Hey Isobelle, have you met anybody else yet?" Luke asked.

"No I haven't, unless you count Mr. Phillips and Evie…" Isobelle joked. Luke seemed to think about something for a while. "You want me to show you round and introduce you to a few people so you're not lonely?" Luke winked at Isobelle making her heart melt.

"Yeah sure, well how else am I going to get to know anyone" Isobelle laughed.

"cool, but before we go anywhere I have to tell you that my friends are…a little…crazy…" he said stumbling over the right words to say."James isn't that bad, skip is cool but my brother jai, well you'll see…" he trailed off.

"You have a brother? What year is he in?" Isobelle asked surprised that he hadn't mentioned it previously.

"Yeah I have two. Beau's left school now but Jai is in our year. He's, uh, my twin." Luke replied awkwardly. Isobelle's head almost exploded at the thought of TWO Luke's.

"Wow, it must be fun having a twin." She said vaguely.

"Yeah it is most of the time but it can be fucking annoying sometimes." Luke laughed. His laugh sent shivers down Isobelle's spine 'damn his laugh is so cute' she thought. While Luke was grabbing his bag she realised that moving to Australia might not have been such a bad thing after all…

Isobelle was so busy daydreaming that she wasn’t paying attention to where she was going and almost walked into the door frame on her way out, in fact, she would have hit her head on it if Luke hadn't have noticed an pulled her out of the way in the last second. "Careful there Izzy, you don’t want to be concussed on your first day." He said to Isobelle bringing her back to reality.

"Oh, thanks. I wasn’t concentrating…" she replied embarrassed.

"No problem. Now follow me and try not to walk into anymore doors" Luke instructed.

"I'll try" Isobelle muttered back. She followed behind him until they reached an average sized green bench in the outside courtyard where three boys were already sitting sprawled out over as much space as was humanly possible.

"Oi! Sluts!" Luke shouted at the boys as they approached "Move over, make some room for the lady." All at once the three boys looked up and saw Isobelle standing there awkwardly. "This is Isobelle, or Izzy. She just moved here from London in England and it's her first day here." Luke announced. "Izzy this is Jai, James and Skip. Jai, James and Skip this is Izzy. He said pointing to each boy in turn "Be nice to her." The boys rolled their eyes at Luke's instruction but turned to say hi to Isobelle.

"Hey, I'm James" the first boy said greeting Isobelle with a friendly smile. This boy was relatively attractive, but in a kind of cute way rather than a superstar model kind of way. He had short brown hair with eyes to match but all in all he wasn’t all that amazing to look at in Isobelle's opinion.

"Hey" she replied politely.

"Daniel, but everyone calls me Skip. Don’t ask why it’s a long story…" another one of the boys said. Daniel was slightly more attractive than James but with slightly longer hair styled up into some sort of quiff type thing. He had spider bite stud piercings on the right side of his bottom lip accompanied by a cheeky grin to complete the image.

"Hi Skip" Isobelle smiled.

"Unless my brother has pretended that I don’t exist and not told you about me yet you probably already know that I'm Jai and me and Luke are twins right?" the last of the boys asked.

"Yeah he said." Isobelle said nervously. She had never been so nervous in her life, and the thing was, she didn’t even know why. It was probably because Jai was, apart from the freckle on Luke's nose, almost an exact replica of his brother. The green brown eyes, the slight curls in his hair, even that beautiful smile that Isobelle loved so much. She could see that they had tried to differentiate from each other by the piercings that they had. Luke had both of his ears pierced and had a small black lip ring on the right side of his bottom lip similar to Skip, whereas Jai only had one earring in and no lip ring.

"So Izzy, how did you wind up with this idiot showing you round" Skip asked while receiving a death stare from Luke.

"We ended up sitting next to each other in art class and he offered to show me round." She answered.

"Ah, so he hasn’t managed to get you in trouble yet then?" Skip continued teasing Luke.

"No, but I did nearly walk into a door earlier…"

"Which I had to stop you from doing!" Luke interrupted.

"Yes I was getting to that!" Isobelle laughed.

"So what made you move all the way down here then Izzy?" James said changing the subject.

"Well long story short, my mum and dad split up and he threatened to take me and my brother away from my mother, so she decided to pack up all our shit and get on a plane to Melbourne Australia. And here I am." She replied.

"Oh" James responded.

In fact none of the four boys really seemed to know what to say so Isobelle interrupted the tension by saying "Oh well shit happens, life goes on."

"Yeah, life goes on…" Jai muttered.

"Have I said something?" Isobelle asked worried, she could sense sadness in his voice.

"No don’t worry, its fine I'm just being stupid." Jai said with a forced smile.

"I'm sorry" she said guiltily.

"Its fine, no worries. Honest."

Just then the bell rang for second period and wiped away all the awkwardness in the air with one swift motion. Isobelle pulled out her schedule from her backpack and saw that her next lesson was media studies, after that she had lunch and then a free period. All with Luke and Jai. 'I'm beginning to really like this place' she thought as Luke grabbed her arm and began jokingly pulling her towards their next class…

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