Chapter 19...

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When they finally landed at Heathrow airport, they sleepily walked to baggage claim collected the ten cases, got into the first taxi cab they saw, told the driver their destination and fell asleep again.

The taxi driver had to wake the seven teenagers when they arrived at their hotel and remind them to pay the fare. He then helped them get their luggage out of the trunk of the car and drove off.

The group of Australians followed Isobelle into the foyer of the hotel, collected their room keys and piled in the elevator along with all their bags and rose twelve floors to their rooms.

After figuring out which rooms belonged to what people they all opened their respective rooms, dragged their bags into the middle of the room and collapsed onto their beds and slept until morning.

When Isobelle's alarm when off she awoke to find Luke lying next to her sleeping with his hand inches from hers, they had obviously fallen asleep holding hands. Seeing him so peaceful she didn’t want to wake him so she carefully got out of their bed, made her way over to her bright green case, and rummaged through it to find her clothes for the day. She picked out a pair of blue chinos, a baggy white shirt, a varsity jacket and her stars and stripes converse. She then found her cosmetics bag and sat on the floor in front of the mirror to put her make up on and curl her hair.

When she had finished getting herself ready she went over to the bed, lent down and kissed Luke on the cheek rousing him from his slumber. "Hey there sleepy." She said with a grin.

Luke looked up at her, stretched and said, "What time is it?"

"Ten thirty-five" she replied glancing at the clock. Luke groaned and rolled off the bed and into the bathroom where he proceeded to take a shower and freshen up.

When he came out of the bathroom twenty minutes later wrapped in a towel, he looked at his girlfriend and said "How did I manage to bag someone like you?"

"Well I guess you just got lucky" she replied blushing.

He smiled at her and moved over to his case to find something to wear. He picked out a blue and white striped sweater, a pair of beige chinos and some blue vans. Once he was dressed he joined Isobelle, who was looking at a magazine that she had brought at the airport, on the bed. 

He put his hand on her leg and kissed her on the corner of her mouth just touching her skin with his lip ring. She smiled and then said "I guess we better wake the others…"

Lukes eyes lit up at the thought of interrupting the others sleep "Let's go!" he said excitedly.

Isobelle laughed but took his hand and grabbed the room key slipping it into her back pocket as they left the room.

Once out in the hallway the couple decided who was going to wake up whom and moved over to their allocated rooms. Once standing at the doors they looked over at each other, counted down from three and began banging their fists on the door and shouting 'GET UP! GET UP!' at the inhabitants trying to make as much noise as possible until someone got up and opened the door to tell them to shut up.

Isobelle, who had been given the job of waking Jai and Dakota up, was greeted by a not-so-friendly 'fuck you' from Jai when the door was opened. "Good morning to you too." She said cheerfully. "Its eleven o'clock. Get your asses up out of bed."

"Eugh fine." Jai grunted shutting the door on her.

"I'm coming back in thirty minutes and if you haven't started I'll get Luke to kick you out of bed!" Isobelle warned through the door.

Luke was much more successful with the boy's room as when Beau opened the door he was already dressed. "Oh, you're up." Luke said surprised.

"Yeah. Well, I am. The other two sluts are still asleep." His brother replied nodding his head in the direction of the two snoring lumps on the beds.

Luke saw them and winked at Beau who immediately caught on to what his sibling was suggesting. "Izzy! Get down here!" Luke half shouted down the hall. Isobelle walked down to meet the two boys, saw the Daniel and James still sleeping and smiled. "Time to wake them up." Luke said with a cheeky grin. The three of them entered the room with Beau going into the bathroom to fill two glasses with ice cold water and Luke and Isobelle climbing onto their beds. Beau got up to the beds and instructed Luke and Isobelle to jump, they did as they were told and after a few seconds Beau chucked the iced water over the still sleeping boys faces waking them instantly. As James and Daniel were swearing at them for being so rudely awoken, Isobelle, Luke and Beau were crying with laughter on the floor.

After they had regained some level of sanity, the Luke and Isobelle left the room in order to let them get ready. The couple were waiting in the hall for them when Jai and Dakota walked up to them fully dressed and ready for the day. They sat down together and were talking while waiting for the boys to leave their room.

When they were all finally out in the hallway, Beau asked Isobelle what they were going to be doing for the day.

"You're going to meet my father…" she responded quietly.

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