Chapter 21...

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It was the groups second day in London town and today was their allocated sight-seeing day. They all set their alarms for seven am so they could spend the whole day doing pointless shit. Isobelle was left to decide on the agenda for the day so quickly put together a list of places when she woke in the morning.

Her list looked something like this, with all the places set out in order:

- Buckingham Palace

- Hyde Park

- Harrods

- Big Ben and Houses of Parliament

- Madame Tussauds

- London Eye

She saved the London Eye until last as the view was the most beautiful when the sun was setting and all the lights began to shine from the buildings. Just thinking about it made her smile.

Once they were all up and dressed they left the hotel and followed Isobelle's instructions when they got on the tube trains.

After some confusion from Daniel they eventually made it to their first destination; the palace. As Isobelle watched the boys and Dakota snap photos and stare in awe at the beautifully striking building, she got to thinking about Luke. Ever since they arrived at Melbourne airport Luke had been acting funny with her. Sure he was still talking to her and telling her he loved her and the usual things, but not as much. He wouldn’t kiss her as willingly as usual and he was spending more time with his brothers than with her on their own. He deliberately made excuses so once they got into their room each night, all they would do was sleep. She was beginning to worry about him. Particularly today. He had barely said two words to her all day, apart from greeting her like he always did when they woke up and the necessary chatter to get them around London he hadn't properly spoken to her. Despite the fact that she knew he still loved her and he was having a great time, she couldn’t help but think that something was wrong…

"Hey, what's up?" a voice said, interrupting her thoughts.

"Huh? Oh hey Jai." She replied, slowly drifting out of her thoughts and back into reality. "Nothing, I'm probably just being stupid…" she said, her voice fading out towards the end.

"No, tell me." Jai said concerned.

"It's stupid really; I just can't help but notice that Luke's attitude has changed. He's not himself…" she stuttered, embarrassed at her trivial worries.

Jai froze for a millisecond nearly letting his composure slip and telling Isobelle that there was something going on. He quickly regained his calm and answered with ease. "I think he's just a bit homesick and still in awe of your ability to get us such an amazing birthday present" he said matter-of-factly.

Isobelle let out a breath that she didn’t even know she had been holding and relaxed into the cool touch of the palace gates against her back. "I knew I was being stupid." She half chuckled.

Jai smiled and just said, "It's not stupid, you were worried." He glanced over at his twin and continued. "Now let's get on with this tour then."

They rest of the day went smoothly and without a hitch. They had lunch in Hyde Park and the boys were riding around on their penny boards leaving Isobelle, Dakota, James and Daniel to chat and have a general catch up.

When they got to Harrods the boys were soon becoming bored but the girls where in heaven. They saw all these pretty gowns and jewellery and bags and shoes and beautiful smelling perfumes and chocolates that made their mouths water and all manner of other items that they wished they had a) enough money to buy, and b) enough baggage allowance to get it back on the plane. Once the boys had managed to drag the drooling girls away from the over-priced handbags they headed to the next location on their list.

They made a whistle stop tour of the Houses of Parliament and Big Ben before making their way across the bridge and down the embankment to Madame Tussauds. It was the most fun they had had in a long, long time. They took pictures with literally all waxworks, even queuing up for hours for photos with the most popular ones like Justin Bieber and Leonardo DiCaprio. They even went through the horror hall and got scared shitless when some of the figures came into view. When they finally made their way out through the exit doors and out onto the street they were all laughing so much they could hardly breathe. They collapsed onto the steps outside the building and stayed there until they had regained some level of sanity.

They then decided that they were to get something to eat before they rode the London Eye and so they wandered off to find a McDonalds where they all shared a huge portion of chicken nuggets, fries and two large cola's. Once they had eaten Isobelle skipped off to buy the tickets for the Eye and they joined the line to wait for their pod.

After what felt like hours, but was, in reality, only about 45 minutes they finally boarded their capsule and began the hour long cycle. They were extremely lucky in that they had the capsule all to their selves. As they began rising in the air they were all listening intently to Isobelle's sweet voice pointing out various different landmarks and began snapping photos that a professional photographer would be proud of. They rose and rose and then rose some more until they were nearly at the top. Isobelle caught sight of Luke nervously moving his lip ring with his tongue and turning something around and around in his jacket pocket.

Isobelle moved over to him and said "Are you okay baby? You seem… nervous."

Luke looked straight into Isobelle's eyes and replied simply, "I'm fine. Isobelle, I need to tell you something…"

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