Chapter 6...

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On arriving at the park, some random kid that Isobelle didn’t recognise from school came up to the group of boys and was freaking out saying "Oh my gosh! I love your stuff! It's amazing and so funny!" "Can I have a picture with you?!" she said getting out her phone. The boys all laughed and piled into a photo for the kid, gave her a group hug and waved her goodbye when she left. Honestly, Isobelle couldn’t be more confused if a deaf man told her he heard that a blind man saw a legless man walk on water.

"What the fuck was that about?" she asked.

"Oh didn’t you know? Clearly Luke didn’t tell you much then" Beau laughed, "we post videos on YouTube, we have a lot of views, and we've been on TV and in magazines, we've gained a fan base and everything. Our group name is the Janoskians, I'm surprised you haven't heard of us…" he chuckled.

Isobelle thought for a while and then said "oh yeah, I have heard of you, a few of my friends back home were telling me about you before I left. They were freaking out over the thought that I could meet you," she smiled at the memory "to be honest I never really paid any attention to them, I didn’t want to move in the first place so I didn’t want to be reminded of it" she finished with a glance towards Luke, who winked at her and smiled. "You do prank videos right?" she asked.

"Yeah buddy!" Jai exclaimed, making Isobelle giggle.

"Speaking of, what's our next video gonna be?" Skip chipped in.

"I have no idea. How about another dare or dare? We always said we wanted to do another one" Luke said clicking into business mode instantly.

"But who's camera are we gonna use? Ours is broken." Beau said glaring at Jai.

"IT WASN’T MY FAULT!" "The tripod fell over when I was using it, I didn’t fucking touch the thing!" Jai snapped back defending himself. Beau rolled his eyes and looked to people for suggestions.

Seeing that not one of the boys had a clue about what to do, Isobelle said "you can use mine if you want, I can run back and get it? That’s if I don’t get lost…"

"Really Izzy?" James asked excitedly.

"Yeah sure, no problem." She smiled at him.

"Okay thanks Izzy, now who's gonna go with her so she doesn’t get lost?"

"I will" Luke volunteered.

"Okay, go. We'll be waiting here." Skip shouted to them as they headed towards Isobelle's house.

"Right now that they're gone, Jai, what the fuck is going on with them two?" Beau asked.

'Shit.' Jai thought, 'how was I supposed to get out of this one? Beau can always tell when I'm lying.' "I don’t really know to be honest, well I mean I know that Luke is hitting on her but that’s all I know…" he said in an attempt to cover up the truth for his brother. Beau just looked at him.

"Oh come on, we're not that stupid." Skip said.

"Fine" jai said, "Luke likes her and so do I. Only he got there first and he's hitting on her now, I think he's doing it to prove a point to me. I mean she's not even been here a day yet and he already has her. And she likes him too…" Jai said embarrassed at the fact that he had to admit his feelings just so he could keep his promise to Luke and Isobelle.

"Whoa dude, that's deep." Skip said eating up the story. Unlike Beau who, although he didn’t say anything, Jai could tell he saw through his cover.

"How come you fell for her?" James asked awkwardly.

"Well what's not to fall for? She's one of the nicest people I have ever met and she's absolutely gorgeous. I'm just gutted that Luke got to her first." Jai replied truthfully.

"She's hot." Skip stated.

"Yup" the boys all agreed.

There was silence for a second then; luckily, Beau changed the subject clearly noticing how uncomfortable this conversation was for his baby brother.

The subject wasn’t mentioned at all for the rest of the time that Isobelle and Luke were gone; in fact it wasn’t mentioned by anyone until much later when the brooks brothers were alone back at home.

By the time Isobelle and Luke came back with the camera the remaining Janoskians had decided on and planned out the new video.

"Dare or dare" James said as Luke sat down again.

"Okay, what's Izzy gonna do?"

"I'll work the camera if you want, I don't mind"

"Okay then" Beau said giving everyone else their instructions as Isobelle attached her camera to her tripod and positioned it so all the boys fit perfectly into the frame.

After a few minutes of arguing and discussion they got the camera filming and began with their dares. Isobelle had never seen any if their previous videos but as she was watching them do their thing she was doing all she could not to burst out in laughter and mess up the take. Despite their best efforts, it took so many takes to get it right due to the amount of laughing that ruined several hundred clips, that by the time they had got their final shots they were all exhausted. Isobelle's sides hurt from laughing so much but she could not think of a time since her father left that she had ever been this happy, so she wasn’t complaining. They all had so much fun that she knew she would remember her first shoot with the Janoskians forever more…

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