Chapter 14...

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"Jai? Jai!" Dakota said waving her hand in front of his face.

Jai blinked and said, "Sorry, I… I… well I don't actually have an excuse."

Dakota blushed and replied "don’t worry, I don't mind"

Jai smiled at her. "You're so beautiful" he said staring straight into her eyes again.

"Next joke." Dakota said laughing.

"I'm not joking."

"Well then you clearly need glasses…"

"Nope. I go to specsavers" he said, winking at her.

"Then you do need glasses" she said, revelling in the thought of catching him out in his little charade.

Jai smiled and said, "Nope I go there and they tell me my eyes are perfect."

"Nice dodge." Dakota replied narrowing her eyes at him.

"I try."

They were both silent for a moment then Dakota said "I still don't believe you."

"You don’t believe me?"

"Nu-uh." She replied.

"Well believe this." Jai said as he leant towards her and kissed her. The kiss was so beautiful that Dakota didn’t know what to do for a second, then, after the shock had passed, she kissed him back. Jai smiled underneath her kiss and put his hands around her waist and drew her nearer to him. She leant into his chest and pushed him back so he was lying on his back on the bed. Their fingers intertwined in each other as they moved their lips together.

Jai broke off the kiss and said "believe me yet?"


"I was hoping you'd say that" he said kissing her again. This time the kiss was shorter but somehow more special, more delicate. Dakota sat up with her back against the wall and her hand still holding Jai's "this is crazy" she said.

"What is?"

"This is"

"Why? Please don't tell me you have a boyfriend" Jai pleaded.

"No it's not that."

Jai breathed a sigh of relief and replied "well what is it then?"

"You're Jai Brooks."

"Yes and your point is…?" Jai said encouragingly.

"I'm just Dakota Griffiths, nothing special. In fact, I'm completely unremarkable. And you are Jai Brooks, completely special. I don’t understand." Dakota said burying her head in her hands.

"First, you got that wrong. You are something special and you are remarkable.  Second, I'm not special. And third, what's not to understand?" Jai asked concerned.

"How you could like me?"

Jai was silent for a moment and then said "why do you feel like that?"

"I don’t know, I just can't believe that you of all people would like me."

"Look Dakota, you are so beautiful and nice and all round amazing. Don’t let anyone ever tell you any different. And most of all NEVER think that I believe you are anything else. I… I… I think I love you Dakota…" Jai finished shying away from her gaze.

"How can you even say that? You've known me for a couple of hours, if that!"

"I can say it because it's true. When Luke first told me about him liking Isobelle I didn’t believe it because they had known each other even less time than we have. But now I CAN understand because I feel exactly the same way. Don’t tell me that you don’t too."

"I do Jai, I do. It's just that I've been hurt so many times before that I find it so hard to believe anything a guy says to me anymore. Especially as this time those words are coming from you, someone with a huge worldwide fan base and hundreds of girls dropping at your feet hoping for a chance to be in my position."

"Stop it." Jai said bluntly.

"Stop what?"

"Putting yourself down. You may have been hurt in the past, but that’s the past. Don’t judge the future by the past because it will always change. I can tell you now; I promise that I will never ever make you feel like that about yourself and I promise that I will prove your assumptions about guys wrong." Jai finished looking at Dakota for approval.

"I… I don’t know what to say…" she stuttered.

"You don’t have to say anything, just please give me a chance to prove you wrong. Please." He pleaded.

Dakota just looked at him, really looked at him, and she saw that he meant every word he had said. She saw it in his eyes. His beautiful green-brown eyes.



"I believe you."

Love Struck - Luke Brooks FanfictionDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora